Teens, your academic life vs your social life?

What is it like? Want to insert a sentence about it?

Academic life:

Social life:

-- My academic life is OK, I'm doing well in my math Thanks from the tutoring of my nerdy boyfriend, and everything else is well. So far I received a B on my English midterm test :P.

--My social life is better than before. My boyfriend takes me to a few places, but my friends and I hang out afterschool and stuff. It tis cool.


  • Academic life: I study Medicine :) I just completed my first year at university and I have passed all my exams with flying colours. I am the 20th highest achieving student in my whole group (there are 300 of us). I do take my academic work very seriously and I want to graduate with honours in my medical degree. My lecturers and tutors are very nice and always on hand to help you out, however there is lots of revision and work to do. In the first year you get less work to do and mroe time to have a good time, but the work is still very hard. You have to pass the academic side and also the pratical side which can be quite tricky at times, but once you get the knack of it, it's very easy. I am currently on my hospital placement today and the doctors said I am doing really good.

    Soical Life: I have always had an active social life and especially since I have gone to university my social life is better than ever. Everyone in my year is super friendly, we get on like a house on fire and everyone is supportive - they understand what you are going through and support you with your work and understand your shift pattern. I have plenty of time to go out shopping, partying and seeing my boyfriend at least 3 times a week. Sports night is the best, as you meet other medical students who are in sports teams (I am on the hockey team) and we get drunk and have a great time.

  • Alright, in high school, you get to choose 2 out of the 3 things; sleep, social life, or academic life.

    I had chosen social life and academic life so gave up on sleeping lol.

    Academic Life: I was serious about my grades, getting A or A- or B+ in subjects. I don't study a lot but when I do study, I am like so focused on the lessons on the test. XD I am still surprised that I am getting good grades!

    Social Life: Pretty much what makes my day in high school. I am currently dating American girl and we have a party almost every Saturday with rest of our friends. I am almost the most popular boy in our grade and man, I just love this school.

  • Academic life is okay too. I have a job and live on my own so I feel like everything balances out. I went from an A student to a C, but all I care about is that I'm passing in college!

    My social life is excellent. I work at a tanning salon so I meet tons of people every day. I love to talk. Still having trouble finding best girl friends around here though. Mine all moved away and girls are idiots over here. My fiance is my best friend.

  • My academic life this year has been decent. I did terribly in math and physics (but I always do and I'm making it up). English, law, and geography I excelled in.

    My social life is at it's best. I get to see my best friends every weekend and on some weekdays after school. I don't have a boyfriend anymore but I'm so distracted by always being with my friends that I wouldn't have time anyway.

  • 1. My academic life always takes precedence. I get A's in all my subjects but particularly enjoy English, Latin and Law. I'm currently in my senior year and can't wait to finally close this 12 year long chapter called high school so that I could go to university.

    2. My social life is almost nonexistent, except for the few friends I have online. If I do go out, it would be with family. :(

  • I take academics very seriously. I participate in classes, study hard for tests, read the assigned readings, and do my papers. I am trying to get better at not procrastinating as doing a paper the night before never works out well for me (at the college level.....high school was fine).

    For my social life, it's pretty good. I hang out with people on the weekends and everything and some weeknights. Usually, I just hang with people and talk on weeknights, but on weekends, we actually do stuff.

  • Academic:

    My academic life is great. I get A's in every class effortlessly. It could be better because I could get A+'s if I sat down and studied. I'll officially be a freshmen on August 8th.

    Social: My social life is okay. Most of my friends have moved or live far away from me. In a small town there are always rumors spreading about you. Sure, my social life could be better. I suspect it'll be better after I can drive.

  • Academic life: Great- I'm about to complete my first year and I have a 4.0 thus far. I'm growing bored of the large work load, but that's about to be over, so.

    Social life: As good as I want it to be. I meet up with friends to eat/have coffee about 3 times a week, I've been going skiing every Sunday recently with my boyfriend, I chill with friends on campus almost every day, and I spend about 2 days a week just with my boyfriend. I like to spend some time alone, but that's just how I want it to be.

  • My academic life is Boring and easy.

    All I have is art classes and English.

    My social life sucks.

    I used to have so many friends but they all either graduated or moved away.

    My boyfriend is always busy with his friends, and everyone else is always busy.

    It sucks.

    But my boyfriend and I hangout kinda a lot. Hopefully we'll hangout more after we graduate next week.

    Our last day is Friday.


  • Academic life: I'm doing good in university with good greats and the course is pretty easy to me. We actually have a lot of fun and I enjoy going. My classmates and professors are super nice and caring.

    Social life: I have a lot of fun. My guy and I get to spend a lot of time alone and with friends. We always find a way to have a wild time LOL.

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