What does a paralegal do?

i just want to know what are the main areas, or like subjects (highschool) you'll have to be good at if you want to be a paralegal, and what you basically do, thanks :)


  • Paralegals, or legal assistants, help lawyers in their work. They perform some of the same tasks as lawyers. Paralegals investigate cases to make sure that lawyers know all of the important facts.

    Paralegals also do legal research. They look up laws and past cases in books and on computers. Then, they write reports that lawyers use to help prepare their cases. They also keep track of the documents related to the case.

    What paralegals do depends on where they work. For example, some paralegals help to write contracts and mortgages. Some help to prepare income tax returns and other financial documents.

    Most paralegals work a typical 40-hour week. Most work year round, but some are only employed during busy times of the year. In law firms, some paralegals work very long hours. Most of their work is done at desks in offices and law libraries.

  • Paralegals do all the heavy lifting, while lawyers take the credit.

    To be a good paralegal, you primarily need to be good with words and at analyzing texts and writing, so English, social studies, and history would be good high school subjects to take. Also learn touch-typing.

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