is communism compatible w/ democracy


  • The U.S. is Capitalistic but it is a Republic, not a Democracy. And Communism can be compatible with a Democracy or a Republic, although Communism has never prospered on a large scale.

    More importantly than knowing about economic structures, know that we are a Republic and not a Democracy. A Democracy is a system of government in which greater than 50% rule (whether direct or representative). A Republic is a government of the representative type in which the decisions of the people or representatives are held accountable by the law. Under a Democracy your individual rights can be taken away if the majority vote to take them away. Under a Republic (such as how the U.S. is organized) our individual rights are protected by law.

  • The United States. Democratic status. Was the source of the controversy at Valley Forge. The founding fathers were democratic. The people who wanted a republic almost starved the entire American army out to prove their point. Then it was set up as a democracy for the people and Thomas Jefferson ended up speaking a lot about it. Then these losers called the puratins came in, representing the republic (big businesses). They fought for almost 100 years to reverse the constitution and all the equal rights stuff. Now you see it, they still try to make it a nazi or king james state. But most of what they have done is public. Because of their joker mentality, now many huge financial industry based entities have more power then people and actually contradict what America stands for. America is supposed to be a democracy, but because of the corrupt idiots who took unrestrained actions. Some things like the federal government. Even though they are a corporation. As a ruling body. It's just a mish mash of good people and dirty people who support business over people.

  • Technically, Communism only requires the government to be the owner of private property and capital. I don't see how that couldn't be compatible with Democracy. Capitalism, however, should be mutually exclusive with Communism to my understanding.

  • It is a Republic and a Social Democracy. The ruling group is an oligarchy. PEACE!

  • the US is a capitalist based republic.

    communism can have democracy on paper but in practical application has always ended up with brutal dictators.

  • Its getting there.... Depends what happends in november.

  • America is an Israeli dictatorship..

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