Normal ????

I'm almost 9 wks. and sometimes my breasts are really sore, mostly in the morning, they feel like they weigh 10 lbs. each. Other times their not sore at all. Is this normal and when will the pain stop altogether ?


  • It's perfectly normal.I had it with both my girls.Try wearing a bra that really supports them,trust me it helps.Warm showers or even sometimes cold packs.Just wait until after you have the baby,thats when you'll really be thankfull for this

    take care and best of luck!!! :)

  • It's normal. No one can give you a set time when the pain will stop because everyone woman is different... but for me, by the end of my first trimester, the soreness was significantly decreased. I'm nearly 23 weeks now and they are only a tiny bit sensitive. But, you are going to experience a lot of other pains before this is all over, unfortunately. Best Wishes.

  • Mine were very sore until the first trimister. I have completed 5 months now and i dont feel its sore anymore. But every pregnancy is different. I wish and pray that youll feel fine soon. Pregnancy does a lot of weird things to our body but i enjoy every bit of it as its only for the 9mths time. I had severe nausea and migraines for 4mths. Sometimes i used to cry due to those migraines but then again realize that its all for my baby and feel happy about my pregnancy.

    Dont you worry sweetheart you will feel fine soon and enjoy your pregnancy.

    Wishing you a smooth and peaceful pregnancy :-)

  • its compleatly normal they are hurting because they are getting bigger and thats because of hormonal changes during your pregnancy cause increased blood flow and changes in the breast tissue

  • it is normal and you will hate it the closer you get to the due time. You will be sick of your stomach which will be huge but look who you are carrying... a miracle.

  • yes, it's normal, and it won't stop until your done breastfeeding or if you've choosen not to breast feed, until your milk dries.. good luck..

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