Is my dog a Siberian husky? or a Malamute?

Day before yesterday, my cousin gave me his 3 year old dog and from what I see on the registration papers, it says he is a pure Siberian husky. But after doing some research, I found that huskies are usually 50-60lbs. and Alaskan malamutes weigh 75-85lb. However, mine weighs 88lbs. Why is this? Is my dog a siberian or a malamute? lol they look alike so i can't really tell.

Any info will be great


  • If he's got registration papers stating that both his parents were huskies, then he's a husky. Just not a well bred one.

  • A well bred pure bred, in shape, siberian husky female will weigh in around 35-45lbs. A male will be between 45-60lbs on average. Measure your dog from his front paws to his shoulder blades as he's standing. The standard for females is 20-22inches in height and 21-23inched for males. Malamutes who are pure bred cannot have blue eyes. Does yours? Also, registration papers can meana lot, or they can mean jip. What kennel club are the papers from? If it's AKC, you can request a DNA verification on the dog to verify it was not a faulty fake breeding that took place. Many people falscificate who the parental dogs are and cannot be caught until DNA testing is ran. That's why many dogs used for showing or competing purposes have their DNA ran. To me, it sounds like the dog was cross bred. Malamute with Husky. Malamuted usually have a longer more pointed snout. They are longer and taller in the body. Their ears are much larger and are not as close set as the pure bred siberians ears are. Generally, their colorations can be the same as the siberian husky but without blue eyes. Measure your dog. If he's just over-weight well, that's severely over weight but can be managed. Also, no good blood line will produce a genetically malformed dog. Some dogs can be slightly larger but not by a 28lb stretch. Kennel clubs like Continental Kennel Club will register dogs based simply off a photo. Someone could have sent in a malamute photo and at the right given angles, had it passed as a siberian husky. You never know without bloodwork.

  • It could be that your dog just has a healthy appetite? Also, males weigh between 50-75 pounds. Some characteristics that differ between the two are:

    Siberians have sleeker coats whereas malamute coats appear more denser.

    Malamutes ONLY have brown eyes, so if yours has any other color, then you know that it's either not a malamute or it's not JUST a malamute.

    I also noticed that there was a difference in the eye shape. I don't know how to explain it, so go look at videos/pictures comparing the two.

    Both are great breeds =]

  • They actually look very different if you know what to look for. ;)

    Do you have a picture? 88 lbs is extremely large for a husky, I personally have never seen one that big.

    Note: if the dog has AKC papers saying he's a siberian husky then he's a siberian husky, albeit a very badly bred one.

    If he has papers with, say, the Continental Kennel Club, then he could be a mix. The Continental KC will register just about anything if the breeder and some friends sign statements pinky swearing the dog is legit.

  • If the dog has AKC papers saying it is a Siberian Husky, that's what it is. It might be over sized or overweight. Both parents had to be registered Siberian Husky to get AKC registration, it could be a bad breeder and the dog is just over sized.

  • Well, the registration papers, is saying that is an average weight. It doesn't necessarily have to be in between does numbers. You probable just have a big one :) By the way, Siberian Huskies are awesome :)

  • Ive had three malamutes, most beautiful loving dogs ever! Huskies usually have blue eyes or one blue eye. And malamutes are alot larger (taller) than huskies. at that age you should be able to tell. id say malamute.givin the weight your say he is

  • Size is one difference. Malamutes heads are more brode and ears are closer together.

    Husky's are more vocal they tend to a whinny howl rather than bark.

    Mal's are friendly and more loyal. They are not babies like Husky's can be ....

    You can get a registration paper to say anything. You can get one for a cat saying its a pure bred German Shepherd.

  • Hi, Can anyone help me with identifying my dogs breed please?

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