Do colred contacts look natural or can u tell their fake?

I have brown eyes with some green in them but I either want, green, hazel or blue eyes haha SHould I get them and where do i get them???


  • usually fake:

    ...unless they are more universal colored such as brown or hazel...

  • If you wear blue contacts its gonna look fake, go with Hazel or Green its gonna look more natural since your eyes have some green in them its gonna blend in.

  • well I naturaly have hazel and I just got blue and they actually look real.

    it mostly depends on what brand you get. I suggest...Acuve (:

    and you can get them from like walmart, lens crafters, any eye glass place should have them.

    and 1-800-contacts

  • talk to your doctor. yes, you should get them. my friend just got them today and she has brown eyes. she got blue contacts so they make her eyes kind of a violet color. it's very pretty.(:

  • some of them look unnatural. i'd talk to your eye doctor about what brand he thinks is best.

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