Is Obama a conservative?

He seems too conservative for my tastes.


  • A conservative Democrat? Yes.

    He is most definitely not the far left radical that the talking head machine of the far right is advertising. But then calling Obama a conservative Democrat would not instill the proper fear mongering factor for the far right.

  • Because he is "too Conservative" for you doesn't make him Conservative. It just says something about your politics.

  • He's done a lot of similar things as Ronald Reagan, well except maybe selling arms to Iran to free hostages, but Ronald Reagan was considered a conservative, and considering Obama has followed his lead from lowering then raising taxes to pushing for amnesty for illegals, Obama and Reagan would have practically be buds. After all, they both have many hollywood celebrity friends.

  • Do not insult Conservatives by saying that traitor is one.

  • No. He isnt a conservative at all.

  • He is a moderate as was Bill Clinton. Compared to a Neocon, Reagan was a liberal.

  • There are a few Far left wing loons on here that are disappointed in him for not being Liberal enough.

  • Yes, Obama is a conservative corporatist

  • Youre saying he is a conservative democrat who is opposed to any armed citizen, closing borders, fighting ISIS, likes BIG government and so on? Please tell me how that makes sense

  • Commies are liberals.

    Muslims hate Conservatives.

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