How many LANGUAGES do you speak?????

I speak 2.

English and Maltese.


  • I can swear in English, Italian, Polish, Arabic, and Maltese....does that count?? hehehe

  • I speak.......






    And a little bit Maltese

  • I speak English and some Spanish.

  • I only speak one english

  • I'm Asian.. we come from a multi lingual background..

    I speak 6 languages fluently..

    English..(International language)

    Tamil and Telegu..(These have dialects)

    Hindi..(Spoken by the North Indians)

    Bahasa Melayu.( Spoken by the Malays)

    Mandarin..Cantonese..and Hockien ( These have dialects)

    Portugese..( Spoken by the Eurasians)

  • 3. English, Punjabi and French

    I can understand Hindi and some Spanish

  • 2-English and Pig Latin. Wait! Maybe it's 3 since people are always telling me to watch my French. Ha!Ha!

  • I speak english, spanish, some Japanese, and some French. and am Currently learning Italian. ^_^

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