Is Obama a federalist???????????????????????

Is Obama a federalist or a democratic republican?


Stupid racist people.


  • No the word is "imbecile"

  • He's worse than a federalist, he is a globalist. This means he will always put the wishes of the United Nations above the wishes of the American people. If you are wondering why he is so anti American, it is because he wasn't raised as an American. He was raised as a Muslim in Indonesia. Deep down he doesn't really care if he destroys this country, since he can always blame it on everyone who came before him. Unfortunately we have a large number of leftists in Congress who are just like him, who despise the free enterprise system, capitalism, and the wealthy even though they are wealthy themselves and directly benefited from the system.

    One of the key ways to determine whether you are living in a free country is to ask yourself, "does your country allow people the freedom to accumulate wealth without government penalizing them every step of the way?" The great thing about capitalism, is that it acknowledges that redistribution of wealth does not work. Eventually you run out of other people's money. It also provides everyone the same opportunity to get ahead, if they work hard, make smart decisions, and manage their money properly.

  • For those of you who hate Obama so much, please tell me what the government has personally done for you. We put them in office to do things like balance the budget, but they fail at that. We put them there to keep companies from outsourcing, and they fail at that. You think America was on track before Obama, or is he just the scapegoat for Presidents before him. Get it in your thick heads, that if Republican and Democrats was going through the same thing that millions of Americans is going through...then there would be change, but as long as their Personal companies are not affected, then they could care less. You guys think Obama is the enemy, but the real enemy, is the corrupt politicians that makes you think that they are working for you.

  • Neither. He's a Marxist.

  • Not exactly, he is insanely anti-American for some deep seated reason!

  • No he's black silly.

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