Chemistry AP EXAM SCores?

Well, I'm assuming the majority of the populace has received their AP scores. It turned out I received a "4" on mine, so I was wondering how did the rest of you all perform on the Chemistry AP exam. XD


  • Seems a bit silly for chemteam to say "that's a very good score. Go eat ice cream" without having any basis to back it up. So let's look at your score compared to other students.


    from, the grade distributions for the latest AP chem tests were...

    score.. % of students

    ..1.. ... .. ..30.9

    ..2.. ... .. ..14.8

    ..3.. ... .. ..19.6

    ..4.. ... .. ..18.5

    ..5.. ... .. ..16.2


    the top 16.2% scored a 5

    the top 34.7% scored a 4 or a 5

    That puts you in about the top 1/3 of chemistry students who took that particular test. The real question is how do you feel about that?

  • That's a very good score. Congratulations. I think this merits a bit of a celebration. Ice cream with some friends seems appropriate.

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