is this a good remote control car?


  • The spec from the manufacturer is 60/kmh but they usually put the top speed. Petrol remote cars are faster as the previous poster mentioned but for a electric car they are very good.

  • No way can that car do 40mph. It's running on a 7.2v battery. If it was a 9.6, I would say maybe 30, 35 tops. But that would be straight out on a smooth road. The 40 they are talking about is probably a measured speed of the wheel off the ground. If you are going to spend this kind of money then you are serious about having fun and you would be 100times better off finding a gas car! They really do go 40+mph!

    Have fun, I love these remote cars.

  • Move your hand in front of your face like your swatting a fly. Your hand just went 50mph and you saved 87.95!

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