Why does it seem like Texas is cult central?

Is it just me?

If it's not just me, then are there any historical or political reasons why Texas breeds fanaticism?


Annie - I've been there. I can't say I liked it much. Not enough trees. Sorry.


  • Any time you have a lot of land where people can hide out to themselves you can have a cult. One of the characteristics of a cult is the need for isolation of the members. Texas is a BIG state, and the attitude there is "leave me alone."

    Did you see the size of the FLDS compound? It was huge. You couldn't put that in a lot of states and be isolated from anything.

  • Yes, the parenting classes may be beneficial. Also there is the fact that some of the mothers with their children are not going back to the compound. Also, attention has been drawn to the situation and practices there, and so I hope that the State will keep an eye on them. I don't know yet whether any charges will be filed, but surely there must be some basis for charges. Another thing that is not often mentioned is the FLDS practice of expelling boys after they reach puberty. There were very few teen boys at the compound, and this is why. If they kept all the boys, they wouldn't be able to practice very much polygamy. Imagine these teenage boys, taught to fear the outsiders, taught that salvation can only come through the religion, unfamiliar with the way things are done outside, kicked out with no place to go, believing they are damned, afraid to ask for help, not knowing where to go... Not a pleasant situation for them.

  • In my opinion Texas seems to be cult central because they have bigger ranches that people can hide in and do any thing they want. Like that story that's been on the news lately. The ranch is bigger than any property I know of in my state. When you have big ranches you can hide any thing from man but not from God. I feel sorry and pray for all those that have been on the news. It's a sad story that will be with the victims for the rest of their lives.

  • This is about civil rights and taking one or two incidents and applying the penalty to all. That is injustice. I hope someone gets a lawyer to represent every child herded out of there and ripped away from their mother. Not one woman was found guilty of one crime before the state took their children away. This is the worst witchhunt human rights violations I've seen since Waco. This is America not Nazi Germany. And to think people are watching this and doing nothing yet complaining about the Monks in Tibet!

  • I don't think Texas is cult central. You wanna talk cults...check out the state of Montana. You've got it all going on there. And, I cannot really say why! I'll have to look into that though.

  • I live in north Texas (Oklahoma) and if you have ever met some of the people in some of the little towns you would know. Just look at Dubya, he's a perfect example.

  • Born and raised in Texas here.... and it is NOT as bad there as people, who I might add have NEVER been there, make it out to be, over all that is !! We have wide open spaces, your nearest neighbor might be * down the road a piece*, but that * piece* might be 15 or so miles.......Most of us mind our own business, from a distance, but if you step on one to many toes, you might just get into * a heap of trouble*....The truth is, it is easier to hide in the open than in confinement !!!! go in peace....... God bless

    EDIT *-- people call us *southerners* , we do NOT see ourselves as such !! We are TEXANS !!!! for real though , you would just have to visit !!!

  • From England it seems like most of America is like this!


    I have no idea where Vermont is!sorry!

    but at least you appreciate we were never under the impression it was especially Texas!

  • I think it's just a matter of there being so much space that is far away from everything there, so it's a convenient place to set up shop if you're a strange cult who wants to get away from society....

  • Like most of the others have already stated it has a lot of open land.

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