Do we need to systematically integrate enhanced multiculturalism into western societies?
This has been suggested by many famous sociology professors.
That encouraging mixing within western countries leads to cultural enrichment and even an increase in genetic variation.
By simply destroying racist undertones within western society we can strip away all stigma surrounding mixed race relationships even among people who would have once been described as the most racist.
We can see the success of multiculturalism already today within western society regarding relationships and pregnancies.
Just because a dip-sh!t professor who teaches a non-benificial class says so, doesn't make it so!!! 95% of college professors are dumber than a monkey!
Multiculturalism is a very dangerous ideology that cannot be practiced in the West or anywhere. There’s a reason the West is the West and it doesn’t need to change anytime soon.
We start bringing Muslims and Arabs over and they want to put their religion into legislation, does that mean we need to throw out the establishment clause completely? NO! Things are fine the way they are and they need to stay that way.
Girl on the right??. Already seen her in a DP scène with Mandingo or Dredd i can’t remember
Oh sure. Because it's working so well for European countries with muslims.
Just wrong,,the problems today are multicultural in nature, and in all history, no multicultural society ever survived.
Multiculturalism is already here, many of the people I work with are white/latino, white/black or black/latino. Mixed people are born same as anyone else, they have equal chance to be retarded or a gifted mathlete. The janitor that comes at night is pure white and my day time manager is white/black, go figure.
You mean, drag in more non white trash to suck off of white wealth. I wonder what would happen if social welfare programs suddenly cut off completely? Would the scum still go to white nations?
No, other countries that discriminate are in greater need of that. Ours is an open society already. LOL
There is no point to multiculturalism. Find something useful to do. This ain’t it.
Nope. Also blacks have no culture.