Why do conservatives idolize Ronald Reagan if.....?

he granted amnesty to 4 million illegal immigrants,

and he raised taxes 11 times in 8 years


Reagan cut taxes in 1981, but unemployed shot up from 7% to 10.8% shortly after that.


  • Bea

    Beca use he really was one of the despite being slightly more liberal than today's crop of Republicancomparison toisonto Gerald Ford whom he defeated he was quite right wink.Examples Invasion of Grenada, John Mitchell and his witch hunting, right wing conervate appointments to te Cinterferingerferen in Germany, saluting SS Soldiers gravbaiting baitng and being a stoolie in the movie industry uncaring about Gays and HIV, not too different than other GOP 'ers

    Besides he had Alzheier's during the last part of his last term and had others make his policy

  • Very few conservatives then or now were fond of Reagan's 1982 budget deal, which had to be followed by subsequent tax-raising budget deals. But even with that tax increase, Reagan remained a substantial net tax-cutter. If any conservative politician today could deliver legislation as sweeping as those tax cuts, contributing to a policy mix that helped defeat a major economic challenge, my guess is conservatives would more tolerant of their deviations from the party line.

    While there are plenty of conservatives whose main focus is making sure taxes don't rise, my guess is conservatives would take a tax hike/budget cuts deal more seriously if cuts took the form of serious and enduring structural reform. Otherwise, they fear that the spending cuts will be reversed and the tax increases will be here to stay. And who can blame them? The Bush tax cuts did not fully repeal the Clinton tax increase, to name just one example.

    As for immigration, it was a compromise meant to be followed by serious immigration reform. But it didn't happen. Doesn't mean conservatives have any reason to "hate" Reagan...hate is a liberal thing. But Reagan had the right ideas...just not the tools to fully implement those ideas.

  • Did your mother teach you to not speak ill of the dead. He was the closest to conservative that we could ever hope for.

    Used to be means he wised up.

    Democrats in Congress made a deal: Reagan grants amnesty and Democrats secure the border. Reagan was stabbed in the back for making a deal with the devil.

    Reagan lowered tax rates from a high of 70% to a high of 28%.

    When Carter was president, unemployment was as high as 15%. While Reagan was president, he got the unemployment rate down to 5%.

  • He granted amnesty with the promise that the borders would be secured and companies would be held accountable for hiring illegals.

    He got burned trusting Democrats.

    <<Robinson’s second example is the tax increase of 1982, the tax package Reagan agreed to that was supposed to deliver $3 in spending cuts for every $1 of tax increase (a deal which Congress didn’t honor, and which caused Reagan later to say the deal was his biggest mistake, making him realize that Congress wasn’t as scrupulous a body as the California legislature, which always did honor its deals with Reagan). >>

    Again, he got lied to by Democrats.

    <<But about liberals today, Americans know that they want to raise taxes again and again, and have no stomach for serious spending restraint. Reagan liked to say, “The government doesn’t have a deficit because you’re not taxed enough; we have a deficit because the government spends too much.” Again the challenge to Robinson: can he find a liberal Democrat anywhere who will say that? Buehler? Buehler?>>


  • Because he created 4 million jobs in 1984 alone.

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  • Believe it or not, this is a good political article about that, from Rolling Stone, of all places: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/how-the-...

  • He was also for a an early form of the Buffet Rule.

  • and started the entire idea of "debt doesn't matter"

  • So you voted for him?

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