Desperate for help! Serious acne problems =[?

Hey guys

I'm 15 and I've had acne on my back for about 4 years now. It's getting extremely serious and it's lowering my self esteem. I have told my mum about this and she's taken me to the doctor and he prescribed me with some Dalacin. It's helped for the last 2 - 3 months but in the last week it has come back worse than ever! I feel like I need to cover up and not attend P.E at school. I've asked mum to take me to the dermatologist or to buy me some anti scarring stuff. She refused and right after i asked, she went and bought a $20 lotto ticket. I told her I would like to wear dresses and tank tops (as i have a pretty good body shape..) and shes like: Just stick with your t -shirts and jeans then. It's your back, no one looks there, no one knows.

Does anyone know of some home remedies (preferred) that actually work? My face is fine..I've already tried lemon, dissolved aspirin, phisoex (sp?), Nutrogena, Dalacin, honey....



  • Make sure your wearing a clean shirt daily, and pajamas, do not wear the same ones twice without laundering.

    Ask mom to gently wash your back for you with a wash cloth and plain soap and water, or get a gentle back brush, that way the pores and getting gently rubbed each day to remove oil etc.

    With some people its genetics, and you just have to work at keeping the area sweat free, and clean. Run the shower hot and let the water pound your back to clean it, use a soft loofa back scrubber and once your done with your shower, rince with colder water to close the pores back up.

    If you wear hair sprays, gels etc, that can be getting onto your back from sweat, sleep, so becareful of hair care products that could get to your back and bother it. Try sleeping on your side, wear loose cotton tops to let your back get air during the night.

  • I had the same problems when I was 15-16. I had gone to the Dermatologist when I was 13. He prescribed something that worked for a little, but I started breaking out again at 15 for some reason. So I just went back, told him about my previous medication and he prescribed me something new. I've been acne free since then. I have occasional breakouts from stress, but nothing that's really acne.

    I recommend seeing your dermatologist again, it really does help. See if you can get some pills instead of creams.

    In the meantime I use this method anytime I break out, and it works WONDERS:

    - In the shower, wash the infected areas with a Nuetrogena Transparent Facial Bar of Soap. This product works well for cleaning out dirt and oils that increase the chance of breakouts. It leaves your skin really clean.

    - After the shower, dry your face (or other infected areas) thoroughly and use ZAPZYT Cream with 10% Benzoyl Peroxide (The percentage varies depending on how much Benzoyl Peroxide you want. I believe 10% is the strongest, but if you have sensitive skin you might want to go lower. I use 10% and have no problems with it). This product dries the pimples, so it may dry your skin a bit, but it works really well. It should last the whole day and the whole night when applied.

    Do this every morning and every night. Also, be sure to drink LOTS of water because water reduces breakouts. One time I broke out because I wasn't having enough water!

    I recommend you see the Dermatologist, but use this process in the meantime. All of the products are easily found at Walmart! Good Luck!

  • Acne Problems

    There are many expensive pills and creams out on the market today all promising the magic secret to cure acne. Unfortunately most of them fail to deliver the intended result.

    Quite often the best way to solve your acne problems is to first ask yourself these questions.

    Do you suffer from any of the following:-

    (a) Do you stay up late at night with anxiety about your acne problems?

    (b) Do you take prescription drugs and get little or no relief?

    (c) Is your skin always dry, itching, and peeling from the side effects of chemicals and drugs?

    (d) Do you have trouble looking in the mirror and being happy with what you see?

    (e) Do you avoid getting out in the world due to your acne problems?

    (f) Does your life revolve around your acne condition?

    If you answered yes to any of these than a couple of these tips should help.

    Solutions -

    Back Acne Treatment through Fasting

    Probably not what you wanted to hear back can product amazing results. A juice or water fast is the quickest way to get rid back acne the natural way. Huge improvements can be noticed in as little as 3 to 5 days.

    The Natural Medicine for Treating Back Acne Problems

    If fasting doesn't sound like something to might look at then the other option is to take is Acnessential. This is a 4% Niacinamide cream made from a derivative of Vitamin B3.

    There some really great information and free tips on this website where a guy talks about how he cured his acne problems in only 3 days -

  • There aren't home remedies to keep on top of acne and toothpaste and vinegar don't count.

    Can you splurge and buy a brush on a stick and any facial acne wash and use it in the shower every day.

    Also small doses of the sun help the skin a lot but it's a fine line.

    You can't lay out or burn some MD even suggest the tanning bed a few times a week but again there is a fine line.

    Take vitamins a e and c and zinc

  • I am so sorry you are going through this. I know how you feel i had bad acne all through school and still have problems with it on my face now. I took tablets once and found after a while they did not work. My back used to be covered and whilst as school i always wore baggy jumpers to cover it up, then it suddenly cleared up on my back after about 5 years of having them.

    Try going back to the doctors and asking to try a different medication, there are usually 2 or 3 different types. I also got prescribed an ointment that you put on affected areas and it helped clear up some of the areas that were really bad.

    I hope this helps.

  • While it took little less than two months for me to really see a difference, my acne, blackheads and whole lot of other skin problems I had such as eczema had completely cleared! It was totally amazing...

    Get Rid Of Acne Permanently?

  • Dealing with acne can be a lot like dealing with allergies-and not just because some acne is caused by allergies. Like allergies, you can use all the medication in the world to cover and mask your symptoms. But unless you know the underlying cause of your pimples, the results are going to be, well.

    Acne is brought about by inflammation of skin glands and hair follicles. Teenagers are usually the most affected due to their hyperactive glands. The good side is that there are a number of treatment options available.

    The following is a list of antibiotics, sorted by class. The highest division is between bactericidal antibiotics and bacteriostatic antibiotics. Bactericidals kill bacteria directly, whereas bacteriostatics prevent them from dividing. amikin,Garamycin,Kantrex,Netromycin,Nebc...

    highly recommend

  • Your best solution to get rid of acne is to drink lots of water and try not to stress too much about it as stress if known to make acne worse. Also acne goes away pretty fast when you know how to get rid of body toxins. I used this method and has been acne free since then You can try it if you like.

    Good Luck

  • Try Sudocrem. I use it on my face, and while it doesn't completely get rid of the spots it gets rid of the redness almost completely and basically dries them up enough to be scrubbed off. I have some bad spots on my upper back, but I am leaving them for a while as they haven't spread yet and I want to see if they will go away on their own. With the Sudocrem your best option would be to put it on your chest, but not to rub it in enough so that you can't see it. It soaks into your skin over night and any left over can be washed off in the shower the next morning. To do this you will have to lie without anything on your upper body and make sure your covers don't get on the cream. Alternatively you can rub it in completely, but it will still remain a bit sticky. However it should still allow you to wear something on your upper body and have the cover over you. I can't suggest anything for your back, sorry, but I hoped this helps.

  • im in the same boat .A Dermatologist can cure acne so its probably the best bet. My advice for atm is just keep ur skin clean

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