Crazy dress-up day?

I'm going to camp soon and we have a crazy dress-up day. Any idea's? There is also a crazy hair day!


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  • For crazy dress up day buy a pair of really bright leggings, and buy a plain white shirt (a couple sizes big) and tie-dye it and cut the top to make it go off shoulder. Get long socks in random colors and wear a crazy headband.

    They have a lot of crazy clothes at this website:



    For crazy hair day crimp your hair in every different way. You could also try braiding it in three braids the night before and when you take it out in the morning it will be really crimpy.

    Have fun!

  • For crazy dress up day, you could wear clothes that don't match, find some cool accessories that you would or wouldn't normally wear (it is camp and it is crazy dress up day), make something (something tie-dye, make over some old clothes if you have any or ask someone else for something old of theirs), or something else - be creative!

    You could plan to come up with something with any friends that are going. You could share ideas with friends you make at camp, too. You might be able to find a costume at camp, too, by using some of what they may have.

    I do not know about crazy hair day; it is more like crazy hair day is most days for me.

    Have fun at camp!

  • For the best answers, search on this site

    when i have days like that i school, i just wear a bunch of random things that i have that dont match. we have something called turkee day that we do around thanksgiving, everyone dresses however. there are some pretty carzy outfits. but, like ,ok back to u. i would get like legging , shorts, a wird tee crazy makeup , a couple different braids in ur hair, 1 time washout pink or blue strands to put in ur hair, a scarf, a hat, u know whatever, just have fun with it.!!! :D hope u have a great time!!

  • Crazy dress-up day?

  • Wear clothes that do not match. Look really stupid. For crazy hair day. Dont brush ur hair put it in different styles

  • Dress as a Barbie Doll or Bratz Doll.

    For the hair day, tease your hair and put twigs and fake birds in it. Bird's next hairstyle.

  • wear a long sleeve shirt then a t-shirt then a tank top

    put your hair in a pony on the top of your head then put a bunch of ponys in it untill you cant fit anymore on so it is stiking strsight up(i did that and i have really long hair and it is really cool!!)

    wear a pair or basketball shorts and then wear 2 different colored long socks

    were a bunch of jewelery and load a bunch of makeup on!! :]]

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