Daddy issues...please help!!!?

So, i hate my dad but he overheard me talking to my aunt about it and hes been trying to be all nice i told him id never forgive him already. Don't say i should forgive him i wont he messed up and i shouldn't have to accept that.

Is there any way to make him buzz off, hes mostly working but i hate when he comes home.


Okay i would trade my dead beat dad for a loving dad that was dead any day. Because even if hes dead he was still a great dad. Its much worse to have your abuser in your life and them thinking they are off the hook.


  • why is there that much hate .

  • Sit down and talk it out with him. If he's trying to be nice to you now then he obviously didn't know before. You need to speak your mind to him not to other people. Hating him is just going to make u bitter.Trust me I don't like my father either. Sadly as long as your in his house he's not going anywhere so either keep doing what your doing or try to figure out a solution.

  • There are so many father-less children. Not sure what you think is 'unforgivable', but from reading it, sounds like you are being a brat.

  • Become a stripper

  • You're lucky you still have a dad around. Don't be so immature.

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