Is Mascara Really Nessesary?

Can I still have GORGEOUS eyes without it?

I mean like, even when i have make up i really need mascara?


  • Once you find a good mascara you'll see what a difference it makes in the way that your eyes look. If you do it right... which is very simple actually, your eyes will really stand out. Right now I'm loving Max Factor's Lash Perfection and make sure you curl your lashes first to add even more definition. Then just use a few coats to coat the lashes root to tip. Make up pros suggest that you don't let it dry between coats (it tends to get clumpy).

    Of course, you don't NEED it... but I think it adds alot to your look. Just try it!

  • Mascara is amazing! If anything, I'd drop the eyeliner, and just sick with mascara (along with eyeshadow)! Especially if you're young, it gives you a nice fresh beautiful look! Eyeliner tends to run and makes you look dark and older.

    Many times women use too much eyeliner. But of course you can look gorgeous without mascara, but mascara gives a special, lovely look. Very pretty, simply put. I LOVE mascara! If you'd like, curl your eyelashes first, then lightly put mascara on. But mascara d r a w s a t t e n t i o n to your gorgeous eyes! People comment on my long eyelashes, and I OWE it to mascara. They'd be too light colored to appreciate.That's the point! Mascara accents your lovely eyes... drawing people in! :)

  • You can go without it with simple makeup, I think (maybe just a little blush and lip gloss/stick), but if the rest of your makeup is too heavy, I think it would look incomplete if you didn't use mascara. For example, if you use dark eyeshadow or eyeliner to make your eyes stand out, you would want those thicker eyelashes to go along with it.

    If doesn't even have to be a black mascara, if that's what you don't want to use. If your lashes are a lighter color, you can always use taupe or brown mascara. (It may be silly of me to mention it, but some people I know think you always have to use black mascara, even when your lashes aren't black.) Or if it is that the makeup bothers your eyes, there are some brands that make make formulas for sensitive eyes.

  • Mascara just makes your eyes pop out a little more. Its not nessesary but its helpful

  • The reason many people wear mascara is so their eyes "pop". Many times it lengthens, thickens, and darkens the lashes and makes the eyes stand out from your face. Brunettes can go with darker colors such as black, but blondes and redheads should go with browns so it doesn't look so harsh. If you just don't like mascara, you can wear eye liner and eye shadow and curl your lashes and there won't be that much of a difference.

  • You don't NEED mascara, but I think it looks really bad when girls wear eyeliner and no mascara. It's just weird. And yes, you can have gorgeous eyes without it, mascara just enhances the beauty!

  • In my opinion, it is the best eye make up item. It highlights the contour of your eyes and it opens them. If I have to chose between mascara, eye liner or eye shadow by itself I chose mascara because it looks more natural and yet does more for the eyes. I use all three though!

  • Well I for one don't wear much makeup. When I go out I might wear a little shadow but I always wear mascara.

    If you have short eyelashes yes. If you have long ones already then you don't need it.

  • Well for me I need them, I have blonde eyelashes. I need mascara to make my eyes stand out more.

  • mascara is not necessary at all. i used to always wear it but it isnt that great cuz it looked clumpy and it made my long eyelashes shorter. instead of mascara try getting a old mascara brush and clean it. then put vasaline on it and put it on your eyelashes like you would do with mascaraa. vasaline is a lot healthier for your eyelashes too :))

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