Does this dress look "inappropriate" to you?

My boobs are like half that size too, so they're not popping out or anything. My mom says this dress looks whoreish (with jeans on, btw, it's just the neckline we're talking about). What do *you* think?


  • I don't think it's whorish at all... as a mother I can see how your mom thinks it might be too low though. if she really is uncomfortable with how low it goes about about a lacy cami or a plain white one for just an inch or two more of coverage. and it does look super cute, btw...

  • I think it's fine, and I don't think the dress is actually that short, it's the way the model wears it. Check out the measurements. Plus if the top turns out to be too revealing you can wear a tank underneath!

  • Love it! It's SOO cute!! And I don't even like Forever 21. Not whoreish at all!


    p.s. love it even more with jeans, I think I'll get

  • It does'nt look whoreish. You might have to wear jeans or something because it's too short, but otherwise it's not bad. Girls at my school wear worse.

  • I have the same thing in blue! I wear it with leggings and I got a lot of compilments on it. You will be fine.

  • I have 3 teenage daughters and they wouldn't be allowed to leave the house wearing that. Honey, you wouldn't be doing yourself any favors by wearing that dresss. It's a piece of trash and would make you to look like one too. Sorry!

  • totally cute dress!!

    not whoreish at all, just wear with jeans though!

    i think i might buy it now:]

  • noo it dznt look whorish with jeans

    if ur too concerned wear like a cami underneath

  • with jeans it should be fine...

    if your boobs do pop out just put a tank on underneath!

  • how old are you btw?

    anyways this is a hot dress and especially with jeans its not inappropriate at all

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