Liberals: Why do you support cap & trade?

Over a carbon tax. Cap & trade = making millions off trading pollution.

Carbon tax = gradually taxing it till it becomes unprofitable to not go green


Ruth you know I'm a socialist not a liberal. My method would have been to seize BPs assets after 1 week of them proving they couldnt organise a piss up in a bar.

See how quickly having assets removed them would kick their *** into gear


  • Although I am not a Liberal, but a Socialist, I believe that cap and trade would help in the battle against pollution as well as better oversight and regulation. Liberals, in the US sense would agree, because they tend to view the Democrats as more supportive of the environment. That's not enough for me. We should nationalize BP

  • A carbon tax only goes one way, it only punishes carbon emissions , where as cap and trade goes both ways, it punishes emissions, and it rewards people who take carbon out of the atmosphere, the people who take carbon out, get to sell a carbon credit on it and make money.

    But the system is almost designed to be defrauded, I can see carbon credits being sold against trees that were never planted for example, the people that check the plantations will be ex-employees for the ratings agencies that caused the financial collapse. Then there's the carbon futures and carbon default swaps...

    I propose something much simpler, next time you're going to bailout wall street, don't, instead, use that money to put solar panels on the roof of every family home in the country. *this would have worked really good 1-2 years ago*

  • I'm with you I said exactly the same thing about two weeks in... seize BP now.. and Nationalize all Energy production there doesn't need to be private companies controlling the essence of life..




    profit as a motivator is just wrong...

    plain and simple..

    Socialism did you say ? Sure in liu of Communism, as human greed will never allow for a true communal system ...

    too bad we big brained beasts are so small minded isn't it ?

  • Best question I've seen you post. Not a lib, so I can't say. I oppose the tax as just one more method of killing small business.

    But while we're on the subject of the environment, what's up with the laissez faire attitude of libs about this oil spill?

    It's just your uncapitalistic thinking that makes you believe so. Yet, you recognize the worth of incentive (or disincentive)to go green. So, I guess I'm saying, be consistent in the thinking. If BP is going out of business (either your way, Obama's way or the market's way), what incentive do they have to clean up the mess? Any in favor of government takeover of private industry (which might include you, would it not?) and this generally includes the Obama way, but suddenly, the people opposed to the market's way and in favor of the government stepping in are for some reason, NOT NOW. I think it's all a plot. Maybe it doesn't include you. But Obama is more interested in capitalizing on this crisis (maybe for cap n trade, maybe for general control) than he is about cleaning it up. Just how it looks from down here on the Gulf.

  • HOW CAN truthfully all of us help CAP AND commerce??? interior the U.S. electricity costs will enhance via sixty 5% to a hundred twenty five%. gas costs will enhance via sixty 5%. living house heating oil will enhance via sixty 5% to eighty%. organic gas costs will upward thrust via sixty 5%. in actuality, ecu efforts have racked up significant costs on an analogous time as failing to decrease emissions.[5] just about each ecu us of a engaging has greater emissions at present than while the treaty became first signed in 1997. extra, regardless of ongoing criticism of america from Kyoto events for failing to ratify the treaty, emissions in all of those international locations are unquestionably growing to be speedier than interior america! the european adventure additionally exhibits the situation of cap and commerce fraud.[6] None different than Enron's Ken Lay became a sturdy supporter of carbon cap and commerce while the assumption became first floated interior the Nineteen Nineties, asserting that it would desire to "do greater to sell Enron's company than just about the different regulatory initiative." those carbon allowances which would be offered and acquired have a cost expected at $50 billion to $3 hundred billion each year, and the commerce in them may well be a extensive new company.[7] Enron may well be long gone, yet others waiting to take great thing approximately cap and commerce--in many situations at public rate--are no longer. the unquestionably cost of S. 2191 is confusing to estimate--as usa has never had to handle such severe power constraints--yet might probable be very severe in the two financial cost and jobs misplaced.

  • Either way it's a definite way to utterly kill an economy already on the edge,so I guess if you want to stagnate the economy for years if not decades that would be the way to go.


  • I support the cap. It should be much lower.

  • Liberals support anything obama tells them to

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