Connect Mac OS 9 computer to PC?
I have a iMac G4 running Mac OS 9. Is it possible to connect the iMac to my laptop running Windows and share its internet?
I have tried connecting the two with an Ethernet cable. Didn't work.
The only other way I'd be able to get internet to my iMac is with an Airport card, but that is out of the question.
Probably not worth it anyways. I have a G3 clamshell iBook running Mac OS 9 and internet browsing is very frustrating if not out of the question due to older browsers that are way behind today's internet, and higher screen resolutions that it requires
If you're connecting two computers together, you need to use a crossover cable. The Ethernet cable you used maybe have been a straight through (used to go from PC to modem, or PC to router, or PC to switch)
That said, I don't know much else about the details of networking between them, sorry. Try Google though. Seems like a very simple question, you should ask there instead of wasting valueable manpower on yahoo answers!
Cat 5 cable. It does not matter that the connected machines use 2 different OS's
It's possible, but you have to enable Internet sharing on the Windows machine. I believe you do it through the New Connection Wizard, but I've never tried it myself.