Testicular cancer concerns?

Ok im 16 and im in pretty good health, im rarely sick etc.

when i used to play soccer 3 years ago i used to have these pains in my testicles it didnt hurt much it was more like an anoying sore that wouldnt go away. I stopped playing soccer and the pain stopped. I started playing golf, my testicles havnt hurt until they other day, i was playing golf with one of my firends and we were on the 6th hole and all of a sunden, my testicles hurt VERY baldy i had a very hard time to walk, we took a break and then when they wernt as painful we kept going but i didnt play.

These pains have happend to me before the round of golf ofter, during gym class, walking in the hals, swimming etc anytime im moving basicly.

on my testicles, my left side has wierd bumps that are there sometimes but not always, it almost looks like vains or whatever you call the things that are atached to your testicles (the things that cary the sperm) have been shuved into the sac (but are like 5 times longer) its hard to explain but its almost like i say they grew and had nowere else to go but the left side of my sac

When its there it is sensitive and ocasionaly hurt.

All that to ask is any of my symptoms show any sighns of testicular cancer or any other problems.

The reason im asking here and not going see a doctor is because im only 16 and i dont feel like having a doctor touch me (with my luck ill get a ***** if its a girl) (and i already had a bad experience with a doctor and "untouchable areas") and looking at my junk. and i also dont feel like asking my paretns to bring me to the hospital to get my junk checked.

Unless anyone realy thinks i should because my symptoms might show sighn i probably wont go. And if there is anything i can do at home like an at home check please tell me


  • 1] Doctors are trained to be cool about teen males getting wood. Do not let that stop you. If your bad experience included doctor misbehavior, report it. If it was wood and an unsympathetic doc, well, some docs, like some people in general, are @ssholes, and you should not let one such make you risk your life or health.

    2] Testicular cancer can be cured if caught early enough. However, if left too long, it kills. It can grow slowly then suddenly switch into high gear, grow very fast, and is prone to metastasis [sending out colonies]. DO NOT MESS AROUND WITH IT. SEE YOU DOC ASAP.

    3] It could be a hernia, testicular torsion, or a bunch of other things, all of which need medical attention.

    4] You should have been taught by now how to do a testicular self examination. If not, have the doc show you. He should not have to handle them to do that, but he will have to handle them to check them for whatever the problem is. Deal with it; not going to the doc is risking your life, health, or just merely your future sex life.

  • Why have you waited untill now to do something? You should have been talking to a doctor 3 years ago. You could be prone to torsions or have something seriously wrong with your testicles. You need to go to a doctor and have this looked at.

    How can you tell if your epididimys is growing inside you? What you are saying makes no sense, so do go to a doctor. Don't wait any longer on this.

    You need to grow a pair and become mature enough to go to a doctor. Most men get erections with genital exams, whether it's a female doctor or not. It's a natural body reaction. It might be embarrassing but if you want kids, and don't want any perminant damage done to that area, grow up, be a man, and get it looked at.


  • Could be a hernia, where part if your intestines slipped through the lower abdominal wall. Should have been found on a physical prior to doing sports. Yep, better get it checked out. In addition to it being painful, it could strangulate the herniated intestine and cause BIG trouble.

    Look up "inguinal hernia" and see if that sounds similar to what you experience.

    And lucky you if you get a female doc....... you'll be too nervous to get erect more than likely, but if you do, big deal-- if she hasn't seen one before, she won't know what it is.

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    I suggest you to go see a doctor.. If it's handled at an early phase, it's still curable..

  • you're an idiot for avoiding a doctor bc you might get a bner (as if they care or havent seen millions before)

    no one here is a doctor, get to one

    THINK, use your brain

    would you rather lose your nuts?


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