Do you remember your first grade teacher's name ?

BQ:: Do you remember your second grade teacher's name ?

BQ1:: Do you remember your third grade teacher's name?

BQ2:: What does it mean if you can't remember your second and third grade teacher's name?

BQ3:: True or False: I need some sleep..hi hi hi


  • Mr Henry

    BQ: Mr John

    BQ1: No

    BQ2: No idea

    BQ3: Yes, you need some rest

  • Ms. Gaito.

    BQ: Mr. Hockensmith

    BQ1: Ms. Dugdell/Mrs. Schichl (she got married in the middle of the year so her name changed)

    BQ2: I guess that you just don't remember much from the past...personally, I have a bad short term memory but a great long-term memory, so I remember lots of things such as names of teachers that I had years ago! But I suppose some people are the opposite.

    BQ3: lol maybe

  • Yeah

    BQ:: Do you remember your second

    grade teacher's name ? yeah

    BQ1:: Do you remember your third

    grade teacher's name? yeah

    BQ2:: What does it mean if you can't

    remember your second and third

    grade teacher's name?

    BQ3:: True or False: I need some

    sleep..hi hi hi


  • Yes. Mrs. Jones.

    BQ: I had two. One I cannot remember, I was pulled out of that school quickly. Then I had Ms. Green.

    BQ1: Ms. Warren.

    BQ2: You have a Bad memory.

    BQ3: True.

  • YES



    ..If you can't remember your second or third grade teachers name ? Either hit on the head in the playground or moved away during those years.

    I remember all of their names but can't remember much of High School

  • Yurrp, Ms Yabrah

    BQ: Mr Norris

    BQ2: Mrs Stapleton

  • yes.

    BQ; yes

    BQ1 yes

    BQ2 It was a long time ago, or they left little or no lasting impression on you.

    BQ3 true

  • yes: Mrs Stewart

    BQ:: Do you remember your second grade teacher's name ? Mrs. Goss

    BQ1:: Do you remember your third grade teacher's name? smae teacher as 2ng grd, (combonation class)

    BQ2:: What does it mean if you can't remember your second and third grade teacher's name? you are out of touch with your long term memories?

  • Yep. Mr. Ceynar

    BQ: Mrs. Clark

    BQ1:Mrs. Bigelow

    BQ2: it means you don't pay attention to details or you're old.

    BQ3: True I guess

  • Yes, Mrs. Marten

    BQ : Mrs. Lytle

    BQ 1: Miss Remeter

    BQ 2: That you forgot their names. Plain and simple.

    BQ 3: Sure, sleep is important. Lol

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