Do I make a cute Near? [[Cosplay]]?
Well I was at the mall this last weekand with a friend, and well I was Near, and she was Matt. Mello couldn't come. He was downtown somewhere. Stupid guy....*mumbles something*
Well these pictures were used to take with my phone so they aren't the best quality... There I am eating at the mall....and I was holding mah robot of doom! >D
Another in just a sec! ~*
Update:dammit I gavev the link to me twice here is matt and me lol bad quality though and I'm not smiling. I am using a wig too so ya if you didn't know ^^'''
Update 3:Well it was the best wig I could find, and I admit, it is a little poofy but that is the lowest I could make it go. LAWL. ;P I also tried to comb it out, I found thsi in my attic so yea.
yes you make a great near, lol dont mind the people who call you freaks they dont matter
A pretty good Near in my opinion.
I can never do a cosplay of an anime, id just ruin the character by like...gagillions!
Very nice job! Yes, I probably could have pegged you as Near. The action figure in your hand is a nice accessory, and the slightly slouchy posture makes it. The hair could be a bit more crimped, but it's still quite good.
Near's hair is more blonde than white, and it's not quite as poofy.
yes you make a pretty good near cosplay I like the mat cosplay too.
You make a descent near. yeah he's hard to pull off
you do make a good Near
ah! you make a great near cosplay! ^^
Good job!
I like it!
nah, i don't think so...good try though