so, I was diagnosed with cancer, and told one of my best friends, who happens to be an aquarius! and he didn't care! and turns out he is an athiest too! and he really didn't care !


and he has a cancer moon. wouldn't that make him care ?


  • Me, being an Aquarian, myself I think I can clear a few things up.

    But, I am an Aquarian female. Not a male.

    We are known for our unemotional states sometimes TOO emotionless seen as he is a cancer moon that makes it Even worse cancers are also know for there rudeness, unwillingness, and emotionless as cancer and Aquarius are the worst combination in astrology for cancer and Aquarius.

    Sorry to hear about your news :(

  • Awwww..that's a horrible reaction! Not all Aquarians are like that though, including myself. I would be in tears in my friend me that. Some Aquarians do happen to be a little more on the detached side but still hearing news like that would bring at least a little bit of emotion out of them. On top of that, he has a Cancer Moon so that's in conflict with his Aquarius Sun since they handle emotions so differently. I would just let him let that it hurt you how nonchalantly he took the news. It could just be that he's an uncaring, unfeeling @sshole regardless of what sign he is. Anyway, I wish you the best and right now you should focus on yourself and your own well-being moreso than a cold person that acts like that.


  • That's terrible. But I know aquarians are supposed to feel embarassed when they show emotions, so I think he cares but he is afraid or doesn't know how to show it. With cancer moon, those are his emotions, but they aren't shown to the rest of the world. Aquarius is the facade he puts off, and aquarians hate being emotional and acting like they are phased by something. Also I'm really sorry you got cancer, stay strong, you can get through it.

  • i think you should be more worried of cancer than what your friend thinks. if he doesn't care then give yourself some respect and care for yourself.

  • I would like to go with Tiacola Version 9.0's answer.. Great answer..

  • Because their are @ss-Holes

    Sorry about the Bad news

    Good luck with everything!!!!


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