Does bi-polar get worse as you get older?

Hi, I am 15 years old. I was diagnosed with ADHD very young. Over the past couple years I have had more and more signs of a personality disorder. My doctor thinks I might have one. I feel like it is getting worse as time goes on. So do bi-polar or borderline personality disorder get worse as you get older?


  • It depends on the person, their biochemical disposition, and if they are very dedicated to following through with therapy and working with their psychiatrist to keep on the right kind and level of medication, which often needs adjusted over time. I think it is a little early to know what you have. Your frontal lobe keeps developing until adulthood so an adult brain is different than an adolescent brain. I hope they don't slap too many labels on you too soon. Many things do get better with time and proper brain development.

    I highly recommend Dialectical Behavior Therapy. It is just a really good way to learn coping and social skills. It would help anyone regardless of diagnosis really. Until you figure out if you are bipolar or borderline or what, it would give you tools to deal with things better.

  • It will not get worse if you do seek the help of a doctor who will be able to control any mood changes you might start to exhibit. You must be very honest with your doctor and do exactly what he says you will need to do in order that you will not have any true problems with your mood disorder. If you are placed on a medication you must take it religiously as it has been prescribed or you will most likely have trouble with your mood changes becoming uncontrollable (going up and down). If you follow your doctor's instructions you will be able to lead a life that is normal and no one will be able to note that you might have a mood disorder.

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