James Holmes is a CIA Operative?

the CIA are behind The Colorado shooting to get obamas gun control laws so he can have a police state .disarming a nation is the first step to dictatorship.By now, everyone in the modern world has heard the news about the massacre at the Cinemark movie theater in Aurora, Colorado where James Eagan Holmes, dressed in full body armor opened fire on moviegoers at the screening of the new Batman movie "Dark Knight Rises" killing 12 and injuring some 60. On the surface, it appears the shooter James Eagan Holmes was completely off the record to authorities having no criminal record at all and only a speeding ticket in 2011.

What we are told about Holmes is that he was a medical student graduating with highest honors with a neuroscience degree at the University of California in Riverside in 2010. In 2011, he enrolled in a neuroscience program at the University of Colorado but, recently was in the process of withdrawal. Holmes apparently came from a moderate income family life in San Diego, California.

Holmes is said to have been a person of little words with an inquiring mind.

Weapons in his possession were an AR 15 assault rifle, Remington shotgun, and two 40 caliber Glock handguns which were purchased recently in May, June, and July of 2012.

With the info we have it seems Holmes simply got infatuated with guns and very recently planned the attack for no apparent reason or reasons unknown to anyone else but Holmes himself. His academic record was good and the prospects of further achievements were also very good. His family was stable and his own situation was problem free.

So, we are supposed to believe Holmes simply went nuts and decided to kill a few people even though he was problem free. I don't buy this explanation at all.

This supposedly random incident stinks with the smell of CIA involvement when the whole picture is put together.

First of all, he basically lived on campus over the last few years where CIA recruiters frequent daily trying to find new talent for the agency and he would have been a prime interest for several recruitment attempts during his time on campus.

Secondly, his recent withdrawal from school coincides with his purchase of weapons. This is an indication that he was recruited by the agency in the last 6 months and immediately began planning his mission.

There are many reasons the CIA would want to create a high profile massacre in the national media. The threat of terrorism is kept alive and well in the minds of the public allowing more freedom killing legislation to be enacted at home, as well as providing the necessity to wage wars abroad.

Recent attempts for gun control at home as well as the desire to sign a United Nations arms treaty are the main reasons to stage a massacre involving the use of guns.

Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton are presently holding backdoor meetings with UN officials trying to hammer out a deal on an international treaty which would limit and eventually outlaw private gun ownership.

The nucleus of this gun control treaty was the brainchild of a group of Nobel Peace Laureates in 2003 and first considered by the UN in 2006 in which the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 61/89 an arms trade treaty establishing international standards for the import, export, and transfer of conventional small arms.

Under the Bush Administration, the US rejected the deal. However, since 2009 under the Obama Administration the US has overturned the previous Bush policy.

The objective of the Arms Trade Treaty is to regulate international trade of conventional weapons by non government entities. In other words, restrict and outlaw the possession of private gun ownership, stop the sale of guns and ammo to the general public, and to disarm law abiding citizens for the simple reason of reducing the potential for violent resistance to the government in the face of implementing the New World Order.

As far as James Eagan Holmes is concerned, he will enjoy having a new life with a new identity in the near future when the initial dust settles from the incident. If anyone is actually executed for the massacre, it will be some slob who was destined to be executed for a Capital criminal act anyway and he will take Holmes' place, while his family enjoys government funds as payment for doing so.

Such false flag operations staged for the manipulation of the public for sinister government plans is nothing new, it has been going on since the 1940’s, but it doesn't fly for all of us who see behind the smoke and mirrors of deception.


  • I find it amusing that so many people are quick to call this guy an "idiot" for posing this question!! I don't beleive he was a CIA operative, nor do I beleive he will be "enjoying his new identity" I do however believe that this whole thing seems suspect. Why after going on a murderous rampage would he leave all of his weapons behind?? If he had already killed the 12 he had why would he stop there?? Why disarm? He had a second glock and a stock pile of ammo in his car.. But for some reason he decided it seemed like a better play to put himself at risk of being captured.. Then without putting up a fight he decides to tell the police his apartment is rigged with explosives.. Why!? ... Why would someone rig there apartment to explode when the door opens the door? To kill the first person in right? But decides to foil his own plan.. Then the eye witness accounts of someone propping open the door.. And why were the police so quick to say he was a lone-gunman??.. When he stopped cooperating after telling them about the explosives and without the opportunity to search his apartment, how could they determine he acted alone!!? There are a lot of holes here! No doubt this act of violence will help pass a UN small arms treaty.. Just like back in 01 a few planes hit some buildings and all of the sudden we get the patriot act. Not to mention that back in 95 after having trouble getting an anti-terrorism bill passed a bombing in Oklahoma sped it strait through .. Some things dont add up!! Stop listening to what you hear on the news and start paying attention to your surroundings! Things aren't as they seem!

  • Where the HELL did you come up with the idea that James Holmes is a CIA operative?

    You might as well say that 9/11 was planned by Bush. Or say that the 2 students at Columbine High School worked for the military.

  • Don't think he was with the CIA but I have been wondering what makes a smart person with a promising future, a middle American kid growing up with what seems to be a decent family, and someone with absolutely no criminal past at all suddenly commit this type of thing.

    It's a very horrible thing, and I want to know what caused him to do it....hope they interrogate him good to see what caused this snap. It's very strange.

    I do think that the Patriot Act 2 is coming.

  • Yes, 9/11 was an inside job. Anybody that believes that buildings that size with webbed steel cores on that failed on every floor on the way down without ANY resistance, while turning to powder, is a complete idiot.

  • You have a good shot at a career as a Hollywood screen writer.

    Incidents like this make us wonder whether the elimination of guns or their licensing might not be a good idea, but to think that anyone in the government (least of all CIA which is restricted in domestic operations) would actually plan such a heinous crime for political reasons. Democrats and Republicans agree that the issue of gun control is dead in the Congress for the time being. Obama has no motive.

  • I decided to see if there was any general info about J.E.H on google and there is nothing. 42 pages and nothing. I also decided to go to peoplefinders, ntelius, USSearch, usa-people-search and typed in his info. Name, city, state, DOB and he is not there. Not one of the people searches have him listed. HMMMMMMMMMM. I know I can find anyone on there as they want you to pay for their service but not this guy?????? Who is his family???? Heck this guy was a college student, what no facebook account, no myspace account. Heck go to one of these people finders and type in one of your co-workers name and I bet they come up. Not saying this persons post is true but make you go HMMMMM

  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra

    Not an operative, possibly more of an experiment.

    Him being involved in a top neuroscience program, explain another organization besides the CIA who have roots in that area...

    I can only imagine the drugs being developed...

  • 9/11 was an inside job, as well as JFK's assassination. I believe this is also a CIA operation

  • If James Eagen Holmes was a CIA operative looking for dictatorship, wouldn't that make him communist? The United States don't promote communist remember. Ugh! I wrote so much but I'd rather watch his execution than argue with little fibs.

  • This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. While your at it, you want to tell me 9/11 was an inside job as well? The Colorado shooting was a tragedy that killed and injured many innocent people, not a government conspiracy

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