Diazepam dosage advice please?

My Dr has prescribed m e5mg diazepam for anxiety, last time i seen him he said i can use it to help me to sleep and told me the dosage, but i have forgot, any advice much appreciated.


Rhianna, thank you, my Dr has not taken this only course, i actually had a break down a few weeks ago, and i am using other pills and seeing a professional , once things are settled we will be using CBT , which i familiar with

Update 3:

Thank you all, i just want a good nights sleep. good night


  • each individual is different do not guess at the dosage, no professional would place the answer you require on this site, +++ Consult your GP soonest+++

  • The best thing is to take them occasionally. If you take Valium regularly then expect to get an addiction that is worse than a heroin addiction. Since heroin makes you very ill with it's withdrawals but Valium makes you panic with it's, Valium addiction is harder to cope with. What you really need to do is to address the cause of your anxiety or learn to live with it. Taking it on occasion, when things are bad will allow your system to return to normal in the inbetween times, taking it regularly will lead to an addiction that you'll regret. However 5mg is a very small dose. Tranquillisers are a stop gap, not a cure. If you can manage without then do yourself a favour and do so.

    Edit: Damn right, Rhianna

    Edit: Whoever's handing all the thumbs down - one addiction is like another and if you like this nasty drug so much then you're no better than a junkie on the street, except that you get your fix for free. Of course though you'll think that being given your drugs by your doctor makes it all ok.

    Don't take these drugs for more than a few weeks, you have been warned. These trolls all like to spout their mouths off but they don't know what they're talking about. Valium is now restricted for good reasons.

  • Diazepam is very poor management for anxiety and for aiding sleep. It is highly addictive and the body develops tolerance to the drug very quickly, after which time it is completely worthless. The better treatment option is CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) which has a 70% success rate in actually curing anxieties and an SSRI in the meantime.

    Your Doctor is a bum and is clearly ignoring current

    prescribing guidelines that clearly state Diazepam should no longer be used for anxiety management or used as a sleep aid.


    It's not having any effect for the reasons I have stated above! You only have to take Valium for three consecutive nights in a row and if you omit on the fourth night you will experience some degree of withdrawal and you will also have developed tolerance to it, which means the drug is worthless. Long-term and short term, Valium is of no use to you, take my word for it.


    Thanks for the support MickeyT. The TD have come from medically illiterate people who don't know any better, they can't help it, don't let it bother you.

  • 1 x 5mg at bedtime is sufficient to get you to sleep usually

    Read the instructions on the medication leaflet enclosed

  • I can't tell you to increase the dose but you can take your regular dose at bedtime.

  • Take one before you go to bed.

  • Go and ask hem agon It Is dangerus to Not know the doicheg

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