ASAP. Angelfish problem?

I bought a silver angelfish on saturday. He has fin rot. The ammonia is fine and the ph is fine. He's in a 30 gallon. Help!?


  • give it a couple of weeks.

    finrot takes around a week or two to fix be patiant.

    all my fish that i have had suffered from the same thing when you bough the fish it might have already had it.

  • Fin rot is easily treatable. Head to the store and get some meds--there are plenty with anti bacterial/fungal listed on the bottle. In the meantime, raise the temp to around 85 and add some salts to begin to kill the infection.

  • Did he have Fin rot when you bought him what is your Nitrite reading and what is your Nitrate reading?

    Also what is your Ammonia reading i like to see numbers fine could mean anything.

    Meds should always be a last resort are you sure its Fin rot do you have any tank mates that have nipped his fins ?

  • In a non-crowded tank with healthy water conditions, fin rot is not a big deal. As long as the water quality is maintained, he should heal on his own. If it's bad enough to the point where it can't (which I assume it isn't, since you bought him, his fins can't be THAT bad), you can medicate the tank with melafix. However, medicating is never the right option if you have other ones.

  • first of all, the once inch consistent with gallon is crap. 2d, in case you've been to apply it, you want to consider the utmost length, except you recommend on getting a more desirable tank in some months because the fish improve. You angels also get great, so for you to wish a sparkling tank for them too. Its no longer that the fish improve sluggish, its that they could't improve a lot contained in the tank their in now. What went incorrect--you've too many fish. You did not do your own analyze. do not believe the puppy save workers, maximum of them comprehend no longer something. quite, get a e book and skim it, or flow on line and seem up each and every man or woman fish. you also likely further too many fish directly and ought to have led to the tank to cycle lower back.

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