How do you complete a drawing?

Any advice on how to complete a drawing step by step? What do you use to draw your picture, a black ink pen or the tablet way? What do you use to color the picture, color pencil or photoshop? Which way do you think is effective and efficient? Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks people.


  • If it is destined to be a really accurate picture of a person or place for example, you could try taking a photo and then drawing up a grid on the photo. Copy the grid onto the drawing paper, and use that as a perspective. When I draw I hardly ever use the computer, as it is good for straight lines and circles only! It is a lot easier to draw with your hand, I guarentee. Then colour with a pencil, maybe shade to add 3D effect. That's pretty much it. Oh, and use scrap paper for practises!

  • The appropriate way to finish an illustration depends on the artist's (and the client's) intentions. There is no, single, "best" way.

    For some illustration, a colored pencil finish is appropriate, and, for others, a deeper, richer, oil or acrylic paint is better. In many cases, plain black outlines are enough to call the image "finished."

    Many artists work in charcoal, or pastels, or watercolors. One of my favorite color mediums was color markers. Now, because it is more efficient for my business, most of my work is, either, generated entirely in the computer, or spends some part of it's creation in a digital format.

    But, one thing I do advise: The computer does not make an illustration good. If a drawing needs to be good, then the artist must know how to draw well. Most, if not all, of us started out learning our craft with crayons, pencils and ink pens before moving on to digital media.

    If "Azza" can only draw straight lines or circles on his computer, then he is not using the tool at its full potential. Many digital artists can create visuals that would challenge even the experts to determine if they were created on paper, canvass, or a computer screen.

  • simple red outside of the heart and white inside of the heart symbolizing the violence that surrounds everyone but the peace that can be achieved if we connect. and if u wanna get detailed make a lot of little shapes in the background, make all of them white except for 1, which u can color black. then outline the black one with red for violence checkerboard pattern to symbolize how we can coexist peacefully? or on the side with the white hand, make the background blakc and on the side with the black hand, make the background white so they kinda contrast splatter paint is always fun =] kay thats all i can think of. good luck

  • even with a tablet its harder to draw with the computer than on paper. i suggest make a sketch on paper get it scanned then edit it in adobe.

  • a good example for your question would be myself and my girlfriend. while i'm good at drawing with paper and pencil, she's very good at drawing digitally on the computer.

    i use:

    prismacolor woodless pencils, bristol illustration board (for finished drawings)

    mechanical pencil, acrylic paper/canvas, acrylic paints (for acrylic paintings)

    mechanical pencil, watercolor paper, watercolor paints (for watercolor paintings)

    she uses:

    paint shop pro 7, paint shop pro x, manga studio as her programs and draws with a wacom on a wacom tablet (see some here at best;jsessionid...

    if you would like to see some examples of our work you can visit to see my pencil and brush work and you can visit here to see what she does on the computer

    she is much more efficient with a computer while i'm much more efficient with paper and pencil/brush. we are both capable of doing art the other's way, however, it takes much longer. i'm not nearly as good at digital work because i rarely do it. and she is so out of practice using paper that she pretty much just doodles when she does use it.

    it's all about doing what you feel most comfortable doing. if you haven't chosen a style yet, be sure to try them both out. which do you like the looks of best? which do you just wish that you could do? which would you be willing to strive to accomplish?

    visit art museums in your area, visit local art studios, if you'd like to see what amazing work you can accomplish on a computer i would suggest looking at these books:

    if you'd like to look into more advanced drawing and painting i'd enjoyed these books:

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