Ohio grants/help for a new septic system?

My family is in the process of buying a home. It's cheap and has wonderful potential, however, it needs a new septic system and I have a bunch of questions about how this works. I was told that once we get the deed the Health Department will come in and test it and tell me I need a new one. How long will I be given to replace it? My father and husband put them in but we are still looking at 9000.00. We are a low income family with three children and any help or even a system where we can be financed would be great. I'm looking for people who have been through this and forced to change their septic system but didn't have this crazy amount of money right away to replace it.


  • You will not be allowed to live in it at all until you have the new tank installed.

    There are no more grants to buy this then to buy you new curtains. You need to pay for this yourself, this is why the house is so cheap.

  • You are looking for some help which does not exist. Yes, many states DO offer help with costs of septic system replacements, but they do NOT offer such when you are buying a property with a KNOWN septic system issue. You need to negotiate the price of the property down to a level which will give you adequate funds to replace the existing system. The State of Ohio is NOT going to fund a new septic system for you, when you knowingly purchase a property with a failed system.

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