Conservatives, why do you oppose amnesty?

I am just curious. I would like more than "because they're illegal", that is a good argument but i want nuanced reasons. i also want to know how being against amnesty is different than being against free trade, which has really helped our country.


I know republicans supported free trade. It just seems like labor unions would also be against amnesty. Arent free trade and liberal (in the libertarian way, not the Obama Socialist way) immigration policies a natural fit.


  • Because we don't want to reward folks who break the law.

    Seriously, is that really that hard to figure out?

    And it's Liberals that generally oppose free trade, not Conservatives. When Clinton was pushing for NAFTA, he was fighting his own party to do so. The GOP was on board with him.

  • Breaking law and getting away with it can destroy a country faster than anything else. It sets a precedence that laws are meaningless. Such a precedence is exactly why Mexicans want to come here in the first place. Once we lose respect for law, we will be like them.

    Did you know that America already takes in more immigrants legally than the rest of the world combined? If that is not enough, we feel that nothing will be and the monsters will not be satisfied regardless of what we do.

    Mexicans will not add to the tax rolls. People making less than about 25,000 a year do not pay taxes. They would fill out income tax forms by the millions collecting thousands of dollars per form-child credit, EIC etc. Mexicans will take from our already overstrained social welfare systems and displace Americans from them. They will also compete for jobs and we do not have nearly enough jobs as is. They short circuit the supply and demand of labor by accepting cheap wages. In America, employers are supposed to keep raising wages to compete with each other for limited availability of potential employees but if there are too many workers they will just pay everyone minimum wage instead.

  • I oppose amnesty because first and foremost--the word ILLEGAL has a meaning to most of us. Those who have done it legally also oppose it. Next, tossing a blanket out giving out automatic citizenship just because your feet landed on our soil is dangerous. More than just Mexicans are crossing those borders. Terrorists use those corridors because the federal government refuses to do anything about it. (and has long before Obama and the tradition has continued) Next--the cost of illegal immigration is already a burden, wait until you give them ALL citizenship and they ALL openly apply for and receive benefits because they are not able to provide for themselves due to language and cultural barriers. And free trade is not a human trade---however, punishing the U.S. with regulations that make it impossible to compete in the U.S. while freely allowing imports that are not forced to abide by the same exact standards is the equivalent to surrendering our economy to a global governance. Free trade is fine if we are allowed to do it freely.

  • Well... It's the law that should be upheld. It's because of the illegals that we have to pay such high taxes, we cannot really find a job because they do take jobs from people, they are burdens to hospitals because it's free for them and costly to us tax payers. They smuggle in drugs and they bring more illegals in to mooch and leech off of the system. (I.e. Social Security Income, Food stamps. and other benefits) They pay no taxes whatsoever. So yeah. Those would be the reasons.

  • I'm just curious - why is the question always about opposing amnesty.

    Why doesn't anyone ever ask 'Why are the illegals so opposed to obeying the law?'

  • What sort of example does this give for current and future immigrants not to mention native citizens about the rule of law?

  • Other than the Kid we sent back to Cuba(at the Fathers request) name a Cuban that didn't get amnesty?

  • It goes against the Constitution and federal law,,,I disagreed with Reagan by the way.

  • Because...

    *Googles for Sean Hannity Talking Points*

  • I have respect for the law.

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