True or False ? Biology 20?

1. Adaptation and change is dependent upon mutations and random genetic combinations passed to offspring.

2. Members of the same class are more exclusive (specific) than members of the same genus.

3. Adaptations and change occur as a result of mutations, the survival of the fittest, and natural selection.

4. It is fairly well established that "acquired characteristics" can never be inherited.

5. The most frequent source of inherited genetic variations is the persistent use and disuse of structures to make an organism more efficient.

6. Darwin's theories failed to explain the course of variability, which was later found to be changes in the structure of the DNA molecule.

7. Lamarck's theory implied that genes are influenced by what an animal does.

8. Environmental agents (such as UV light) are able to cause mutations in the genetic material of skin cells.

9. Harmful substances that cause mutations are more harmful to the body cells (skin) than they are to egg or sperm cells.

10. It is possible to find pests resistant to pesticides in an environment where pesticides were never used.


  • 1) True

    2) False

    3) True

    4) True

    5) True

    6) Not sure

    7) False

    8) False

    9) True

    10) True

    I hope this information was very helpful.

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