Is driving a car difficult?

Can I please have your honest opinions? Is driving a car very difficult? I tried learning abt 5 yrs ago....manual car. I had lots of trouble getting the car to move initially. Managed pretty fine after that. It was a nightmare in traffic...when the car stops.

Having a car is a must for us now. Dh wants to take a manual car - says its easy, u just need some practice....

I am 30 yrs old, hope it's not too late to start driving :(


  • Short answer...

    Is it hard? For some...Yes. For others...No.

    There is no answer to this. You will need to find a good instructor who you get along with and concentrate solely on yourself and only yourself. If it takes a long time, then it takes a long time. The money spent on your lessons is going to be nothing compared to the money you'll be spending on running a car for a few years.

    30s not too late anyway. Not by a long way.

    Any other learner driver questions don't hesitate to contact me via my website!

  • Learning to drive a car is challenging but once you get used to it then is becomes second nature, the hardest part for me to learn was clutch control but beyond that it just fell into place. The hardest part about learning to drive though is not learning to use the car it is learning all the rules an regulations of the road and developing your hazard perception.

    If you are learning though you should certainly go for a manual for a number of reasons. If you pass your Automatic test then you cannot drive a manual.

    Automatic cars are generally less fuel efficient than their manual counterparts as you can not skip gears or chose to drive in a higher gear to save fuel.

    If the gearbox goes on a manual it is repairable and relatively cheap however the gearbox on an automatic is a sealed unit and ridiculously expensive to fix if you can find the parts.

    Driving an Auto does not feel like driving!

  • It is hard at first but keep on practicing and it gets easier. Just don't give up and gain your confidence and get a good instructor and you will be driving in no time.

  • Get an automatic car? Also 30 thousand plus people die each year in America form car wrecks so I guess it can be hard to some

  • lol no its very easyyyyyy im learning and first time on the wheel i was like a pro but pratice firat on auto much easier xx

    u will be changed if u turn to jesus trust me ask him to show himself to u go in your room and even if ur not christian just do it... say from ur heart close the door and focus on jesus say out loud make sure u mean it 'lord jesus if u truly are the son of God and u are my saviour show me let me hear ur voice' he will show u but u must mean it from ur heart :)

    also please read HEAVEN IS SO REAL or listen to it on youtube u will be changed jesus told me to tell everyone pleaseeeee read buy it off amazon tell ur friends please!

    im truly telling u please i did this and witnessed please do it dont think i am crazy its true the second coming is coming we must get ready please do it u wont be sorry :)

  • Driving a Car is quite easier than riding a bike indeed.

  • I agree with Rossi but would add that becoming a good driver and maintaining a high standard after you have passed is is something too few people aspire to.

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