How highly does Canada esteem free speech?

I'm an atheist, and a big supporter of LGBT rights, but my grandma's a conservative Christian who has American Family Radio turned on a lot. I overheard some of the hosts talking about how Christians are being prosecuted for so much as voicing their opinions on homosexuality. They claimed that the Canadian government even went so far as to pursue legal action against someone who had a negative view of public nudity in gay pride parades. What do you make of all this? How right or wrong is it to censor someone's opinions, no matter how erroneous they may be?


  • Unless we're talking about direct threats against someone, censoring people's free speech is always wrong.

  • More than most nations of the East.

  • I equate homophobia with racism. Both are equally as bad and should be equally as frowned upon. I believe Canada is right. They should do everything they can to protect gay people facing prejudice.

  • Free speech is not protected in Canada. Do the research.

  • I'd use John Stuart Mill's criterion: all opinions should allowed except that direct incitement to harm. I e. you can say you hate bigots but you can't say people should attack bigots.

  • By talking funny and saying things like "what's this all aboot?"

  • atheist, who created you?

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