Excuses to talk to a cute guy?

So there's a cute guy who goes to my school. We have 4 classes in a row together. He is my age (16). Hes really nice and mature and athletic:) I need reasons to talk to him..im not ready for a relationship yet because I just got out of an 11 month relationship a month ago. I just want to get to know him without him thinking im weird or nosy. Anything helps


  • Confidence! I know other people are going to write it 100 times but you need it. So when you come up to him and talk to him, make sure every move is with confidence. What to talk about, talk about school, the bio test (idk), ask him about his fav sport and let him explain to you about it. (let say he runs) You say: "ya I see you guys run all the time outside of school. How many practices do you have per week?" and just ask questions like that. And you can mention he is mature. Guys love acknowledgement and compliments. Since you want to be friends (for now) don't get to flirty. Good luck :)

  • it is so annoying...i could attempt doing something like communicate approximately pursuits, thats a start up, good? i'm sorry, I suck at commencing issues. i actually think of he would such as you with the aid of fact thats oftentimes an indication.

  • well you can come more closer to him just look at him as if you are showing him care and when u want to eat something ask him to join, when u see he is wearing nice shirt or nice color, get him small things to keep them with him

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