separate families?

My fiancee' caught his 10 year old son humping my 9 year old daugther when his kids came to stay the weekend. But he didn't tell me until we got into an argument. I don't want the little bastard around anymore, am i being too harsh? My daughter said that it wasn't true. It started because my boyfriend got mad at my kids cause they saw his son humping a puppy. So he wants to throw that in my face. He should have told me when he caught the little sh**. He didn't because i think my daughter was really asleep when he got up and caught his son or my boyfriends lying to get back at me. His son is so rude he even curses his dad out on the voicemails. I think he should've woke me up and told me, plus got on his son's butt. All he says he said to him was not to do it anymore.WHAT?? I don't want his son around my kids. When i asked him why didn't he wake me he said she should have told me cause she was up? I think she was asleep, why else didn't he tell me? He knew how i would act!!


  • If I was in your position I'd not let either of them near my kids at all. If it's a lie it's an evil one, if it's true then OMG!

    Do something don't sit back and ponder if it's true.

    If your daughter has said it isn't then did it happen while she was asleep, if that's the case what else goes on? If she's too scared to tell you the truth that's not good either. You really have to do something and quite drastic to be honest.

  • If this man doesn't love your daughter enough to protect her from his son, you need to leave him. He sounds like a jerk anyway. He is supposed to be the adult. He should have told you immediately, and punished his son severely. Don't put your children's future in this man's hands. He is not to be trusted with the safety of your family!!!

  • well, it sounds like you are not going to get married at this rate. instead of calling him a little sh*t why don't you try talking to him and getting him help. -___-

  • control life

  • Take care of your children.

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