do feminists suffer from paranoia?

They seem to be under the impression that if feminist activism dissapeared, all of womens rights will vanish and men would go around abusing women or treating women badly and its only feminism keeping them in place. Sounds like they are suffering from paranoia to me


  • They suffer from a brainwashed, liberal condition.

  • Feminists suffer from the classic paranoid symptoms of

    1/ feelings of persecution e.g. the idea that women have been oppressed by men throughout history. The fact that men have always done the most dangerous and unpleasant jobs seems to have been airbrushed out of the feminist mindset.

    2/ delusions of grandeur aka gender narcissism. Feminists labour under the delusion that the world revolves around women; women are the most important thing in the world, and anything that happens is related to women (& women's 'oppression').

    It can be argued that feminism itself is a collective mental illness, though personally I think feminism is more like a naive political ideology.

  • Suffragists gave them (actual they fought for) the right to vote. Feminists had no longer something to do with it. women have continually worked. they have continually owned property. They even owned slaves. Feminism did not acquire issues that they already had. They use those to perpetuate their sufferer mentality and as a outcome to keep up feminism. they are basically paranoid in the journey that they somewhat believe this. i imagine they comprehend the reality and in simple terms cover from it like the cowards they are.

  • Some definitely seem to be suffering from it when they claim that men would take away women's rights if Feminism came to an end.

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