American - english bra sizes?

whats the American equivalent to an english bra size 34A? (small i know , no jokes please)


  • There is a great site for calculating it

    The answer is 34AA

    Not small, just dainty. I live with a pair of 38f's which can be a bit intimidating.

  • American To English Bra Sizes

  • American and English bra sizes are the same. So it would still be 34A. Xx

  • Id say too big, but it depends on how you look. There is no perfect size because some people look better with different sizes. Not everyone can pull off a 32 E. Imagine a short skinny person with that size. or a big person with a AA size. It just depends on you.

  • I believe it is 34A. The number is the distance around your chest, the letter is the cup size.

  • I always thought they were the same, but I am British but I bought some stuff in the US from Victoria's Secret and I had to get a size smaller.. but I find all US clothes bigger to be honest.

  • 34A is best size :op

    ummm this might make an interesting research topic for today! Research american english boob sizes :o)

  • thats it 34A australia thta owuld be about 10a

  • 34a...thats wat im too

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