TEENS: Do you take AR test?

BQ1: What grade are you in?

BQ2: How many points do you have?

BQ3: What is the last book you read?

For me, I'm in the 11th grade, 225 points, and Crank is the last book I read.


When I said points I mean AR points. AR is a program that has tests for books. I read books for fun, then go to the AR program at school and take a test of my book. Different books have different amounts of points. I have 225. I didn't mean points on here. :)


  • 1. I took in once I think.

    BQ1: I am in 9th grade.

    BQ2: I have no idea how many points I have.

    BQ3: The last book I read was the Hunger Games, and I loved it!

  • I have no clue what the AR test is! But if that stands for accelarated reader tests then I think I remember those from elementary school haha. I used to get so many points because I used to like reading..

    BQ: I'm in 11th grade

    BQ2: i don't take AR tests

    BQ3: i'm reading the kite runner currently for school

  • We had to in Elementary and Middle school.

    In 5th grade I had an 8th grade reading level.

    By 7th, I had a college level.

    BQ: 11

    BQ2: We don't take them anymore.

    BQ3: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. (For the seventh time.)

  • I did that in elementary school. Haven't done it since.

    BQ1: I'm in 11th grade.

    BQ2: None. :D

    BQ3: The Picture of Dorian Gray and Sense and Sensibility (I was reading them at the same time, for a class).

  • Umm ya in like 4th grade for about a year

  • We used to. Liked them a lot better than the crap I have to do now.

    BQ: 10

    BQ2:8146 (as I'm writing this. It should go up 2 points once I click submit.)

    BQ3: hm... I have no idea

  • Senior



  • yes

    BQ1: What grade are you in? 9th

    BQ2: How many points do you have? 1863

    BQ3: What is the last book you read? the last thing i remember- andrew klavan

  • a number of them relatively intimidate me yet once you be taught and comprehend your stuff it is going to be a breeze frightening tests: dmv enable and license try SAT interviews... they're merely hindrances you recover from

  • I have no idea what that is.


    2136 points

    I don't read books.. for pleasure. I was made read "Animal Farm" by my english teacher.

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