Do you personally consider pitbulls a real breed?

They're not akc recognized and i think there's just too much size/build/color variation to consider them a purebred. i consider them staffordshire mixes and mutts.


ha *no negative connotation about mutts


  • The American Pit-Bull Terrier is a breed registered by the UKC.

    They say:

    Female should desirably weigh between: 30-50 lbs

    Male should desirably weigh between: 35-60 lbs.

    Dogs over these weights are not to be penalized unless they are disproportionately massive or rangy.

    I could get more into their standard, but I'd basically be copying and pasting everything from here.

    Build wise they really don't have that much variation. They're supposed to be the perfect athlete,which means no excessive muscling. Or in other words, those people who want furry body builder dogs should just have a brain transplant if they think they'll still have a 'Pit-Bull' after that.

    If you're going to disqualify the APBT for color, then I think the Border Collie people in the AKC would be pretty pissed too. The Border Collie is another breed that was bred for what it does and not on how it looks.

    The Border Collie appears in all colors or combination of colors and/or markings. Solid color, bi-color, tri-color, merle and sable dogs are to be judged equally with no one color or pattern preferred over another. White markings may be clear white or ticked to any degree. Random white patches on the body and head are permissible but should not predominate. Color and markings are always secondary to physical evaluation and gait.

  • They are in fact a breed. The American Pit Bull Terriers which is recognized by the UKC, a legitimate breed registry. "Pit Bull" is just a shortened version of American Pit Bull Terrier. Just like some one may call a Labrador Retriever a Lab or a Labrador. The American Pit Bull Terrier has been recognized as a breed since the mid 1800's, it has a breed standard just like any other purebred canine, of course with any breed there are always going to be poorly bred examples of each individual breed. Some one may call a breed or mix that looks similar to the APBT, a "Pit Bull" but that does not mean it is one. A Pit Bull is one breed and one breed only, the APBT. A majority of the public can't tell the difference between a Chihuahua and a Poodle, let alone an American Pit Bull Terrier and a Staffordshire Terrier or a mutt resembling the APBT breed.

  • Sadly, there are many breeders nowadays going around tainting the APBT's lines. Many breeders are going by the term "The bigger the better " and that is definately not true. The APBT is a medium sized dog that was bred to be atheletic and game. The Razors Edge or Gotti dogs were only being bred because BYB's wanted to create something that not only could they charge alot of money for it, but make it seem as if it were a "new breed". Sadly, what most people don't know is that they are paying an astronomical amount on a mutt. As far as Razors Edge goes, it USED to be a good bloodline. But that was before Dave Wilson tainted the lines. The Razors edge creator, Dave Wilson, has already admitted to mixing other breeds such as Mastiffs and Bulldogs to taint. But honestly, if somebody wants an APBT, go out and get an APBT. Don't be fooled by these bogus breeders passing off dogs that are probably mixed with everything under the trees and charging astrnomical amounts on a mutt.

  • The American Pit Bull Terrier is a breed. It's recognized by the UKC under that name and was officially recognized by the AKC provided they were registered as American Staffordshire Terriers. Since then the AmStaff breeders have taken the breed in a different direction. Both are true, distinct breeds. "Pit bull", however, refers to just about any mix of bully breeds (and often ANY dog) that shares a passing resemblance to the American Pit Bull Terrier.

  • Just because a breed isn't recognised by just one legit registry doesn't mean it's not a real breed.

    American Pit Bull Terriers have a standard, breed clubs (I presume) and a purpose - of course they're a real breed.

    The UK doesn't recognise them but still shamefully tries to ban all dogs that look like them - hence "pit bull type". Yes, they've tried to ban a LOOK.

    There is also a difference between a Pit Bull and an American Pit Bull Terrier. The APBT is the breed. Pit Bull is just a generic term that refers to a bunch of dogs that resemble the breed and it doesn't matter what their parantage is. Whether people agree with it or not, if they have a large head, powerful jaws and muscles, they're a Pit Bull - so yes, badly bred Labradors, Mastiffs, Staffies, Boxers, etc can all be classed as Pit Bulls. This, in my opinion, is just another reason why people need to breed to standard.

    The whole Pit Bull thing is confusing to me. It's either an APBT or not and if it's no other recognised breed, it's a mutt for God's sake. I don't believe in "Pit Bulls".

    Worth a look:

  • YES. Even thought AKC does not recognize them, they do recognize a Am Staff which is very similar. Other Kennel Clubs do recognize them and they have standards. Even if they are considered mutts, it does not make then any less of a dog. Mutts are great service dogs and win many awards in various competitions. We need not be concerned with the breed, rather we need to consider the individual dog.

  • A "Pit Bull" is not a breed. An "American Pit Bull Terrier" on the other hand, IS a breed.

    There are lots of breeds that are not AKC registered, however, that doesn't mean they are not a real breed or "mutts".

  • The APBT is a real breed....& there is a difference between it & other breeds such as the Staffy.

    Just because a breed isn't recognized by AKC doesn't mean it isn't a real breed & doesn't mean it will never be recognized by them.

    Staffordshire Bull Terrier-

    American Pit Bull Terrier-

    There are differences between the 2.

    The term "pitbull" is usually used to label mixes of those types of breeds.

  • There are tons of non AKC recognized breeds.. take the Hovawart, for example.

    There is ONE type of American Pit Bull Terrier.. gotti, razoredge, etc. lines are NOT American Pit Bull Terriers, they're bogus hippo mutts.

    I consider the APBT a breed.

  • The American Pit Bull Terrier IS a real breed.

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