community serivce?

what is the most satisfying thing you have done to help a community you are apart of?


  • Every year around christmas the boy scouts does a huge food drive....We are also very involved in our school PTA but that is only helping our school.

  • Besides donating school supplies for the kids and helping with annual drives to raise money so kids can go to summer camp, the most satisfying thing that I've done is the help keep the community center open and create events that bring all of the community together so they can meet each other.

  • I volunteer at a place for mentally disabled and handicapped people. It is so satisfying, because i have made heaps of friends there and they love the company.

  • I saved a kid that had a bad accident on a jet ski, I held onto him until the coast guard got there, the USCG (Aux) called me up after the rescue, "We could use a guy like you", so here I am, and here I'll stay...I belong on the water !

  • properly: in accordance to do "Volunteering artwork is assisting your community in doing a sprint projects & the place each and each Orginization has an Sponsor might reccomend which you will shop our atmosphere by using cleansing up city Parks "

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