Weird paranormal activity...?

Occasionally in the middle of the night, I'll wake up for no apparent reason. One time, I woke up and found an odd glowing green light on my ceiling. At first I thought it was my smoke detector, but then I noticed it wasn't in the right place. A few weeks later, this happened again... and again. There was one night when it moved closer, and other when it dropped down to about 6 feet off the floor.

If anyone has any idea what this could be, I'd really appreciate it.

Oh, on a side note, I've also had an experience where something came and sat down next to me in the middle of the night. It was almost as if I could feel them sitting there. I instantly flipped on my TV, but no one was there, or even in the room.


I'd also like to add that when I first saw the light, I did turn on my TV (the light switch was too far away to get to immediately.) As soon as I did this, the light disappeared. And, I'm not trying to come off rude, but if all you have to say is that ghosts or paranormal activity don't exist, could you please refrain from commenting? I'm know for a fact that I was not dreaming, or still asleep, because my dreams are not very vivid and it's easy for me to tell the difference between what is real and what is not. Thanks.


  • Q. I think my house is haunted, for real. What should I do?

    A. First, you eliminate the natural explanations. Is anyone in the house on drugs? Seriously, are they? I've known quite a few pot smokers who had a "ghost" in their house. Stop taking drugs, and the ghosts will go away. Does the ghost only seem to bother certain people? A child who wants attetion? An elderly person in the first stages of alzheimers? Is there a source of running water nearby? A noisy aquarium pump turned out to be the "ghost" in one house I know of. If the occurences can't be eliminated by natural explanations, then you should call in a minister to bless the house. DO NOT call anyone with an occult or New Age background, because it won't do any good, and will probably make your situation much worse. Coventer's Prison in England had a problem with visitors being attacked by unseen forces in the late 1990's. They called in a spiritualist "minister" (i.e., a medium) to exorcise the place. The medium pronounced the place cleared, but of course it didn't work. He died a few days later, and the occurences were worse than ever. They finally closed the site to visitors, because of the unexplained marks and cuts visitors kept getting! I also know of someone who thought they had ghosts in their home and called in some Wiccans to do a "cleansing ritual". The situation only got worse. Don't get occultists involved. No Wiccans, Voodooists, Santerios, Canduras, "white witches", ceremonial magicians, Rosicrucians, Theosophists, Cabalists, spiritualists, psychics, "spiritual advisors", or anything like that. These people think they know a lot, they'll act like they do, but they don't (I'm not being mean, I'm being honest).

    Get a Christian minister from a Bible believing church (no Mormons, Unitarians, JW's, Unity, or other cults). Chances are there is one close by. If they don't want to handle it for some reason, call someone else. Get out a phone book if you have to. It won't be hard to find someone who can help you.

  • It could be paranormal activity, or it could be hallucinations.

    Things like that happen to me. I wake up and feel as if I've woken up for a reason, but never truly know what it was that woke me up. It used to happen around the same time every night. Unlike the green glow, I saw something black and fuzzy near where my light was. About the size of a football and then it darted down headed straight for me. I felt it whoosh past my head when I moved out of the way. It went down the back of my bed. I turned my light on but there was nothing there.

    Things like that happen all the time. Especially when I stay at my boyfriends house. The place is haunted and we've both seen the same thing at the same time, so that proves we're not imagining it.

  • Sleep paralysis has completely been explained and is a surprisingly common phenomenon. Basically while in REM sleep your body puts your muscles into a shut-down state in order to protect itself from any thrashing which may occur while the individual is asleep. Sometimes, when awoken in this state the body does not have enough time to fully start up again, meaning the person becomes conscious without being able move. Visual hallucinations are also apparently very commonly associated with this sleep paralysis state and are commonly of the orbs of light, shadows moving, vision being impaired or twisted and in some cases there can actually be remnants of dreams that appear - such as the faces and voices you mention. You must remember that the human consciousness is a powerful thing, you only need to look at the placebo effect, and as such many things can be superimposed into your vision during a vulnerable state, such as sleep paralysis. The reason that you and your partner may have started experiencing sleep paralysis after a long period of time is due to this communication and the shared personal experiences - further enforced by the coincidence that their initials are the same that you experienced using an Ouija board when you were younger. Honestly there is nothing paranormal about any of this and all of it can be explained by the weird experiences that people such as yourself have during sleep paralysis; such as those that believe they have been abducted, seen aliens at the foot of their bed or have experienced flooding of light in the recognisable form of the human shape.

  • It could be.

    The way I see it, if it doesn't make you uncomfortable, just let it be. If you are curious, next time you see it, instead of turning on the light, try asking it what it wants or who it is, or both. Set up a camera or an audio recorder so you can review after you're a little more awake to see if you got a response.

    If it does bother you, just tell it "go away". You'd be surprised how often that works. Just remember that you can't invite it back. Inviting it back would be risking an intrusion of negative energies.

    If it still sticks around after that, try getting a priest or a medium involved.

  • I'm a little suspicious.As scary things go.Something coming to your bed.Would be scarier then a green light on the ceiling.So why is the spooky visitor just a side note.If any of this is true.You're dreaming it's that simple.There's sometimes a fine line between awake and asleep.It can be blurry.It's nothing to worry about.

  • I would leave a vidoe camara on and recording when you go to bed and leave a tape recorder. Use these when you are in the and not, also when the house is empty. then see what the recordors have on them when you get home.

  • If you grew up in the 60's you could be having Flash Backs from a bad LSD experience.

    Or Your imagination is off the Charts.

  • Here is the simplest solution to your little dilemma - Repeat this phrase as often as it takes before it sinks in:

    "There are no such things as ghosts". Say it in front of a mirror if you have to. But you do have to do it - clearly.

  • I know exactly what it is.

    You're dreaming, or imagining things shortly after you've woken up, in a sort of half-dream.

    Rest assured, there is no "mysterious green light" or person sitting next to you.

  • Maybe somebody is shining a laser pointer in your window trying to scare you.

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