What is ESP (Extra Sensory Power)?

I met a person who can just close her eyes and concentrate and is able to tell a person (her relative) over phone in another country that her daughter is going to get promotion soon and a letter has already come in this regard (offering the promotion). This was absolutely correct. In another case, a person was involved with a charitable organisation and was given a target for raising donations that he was finding difficult. She told him that a person living two streets away is looking for some cause to donate 10000 bucks and the person will meet him soon. This too came true within a fortnight. When I ask her how she does it, she says it is because her AURA is much bigger and brighter than mine. Seriously, I can't make head or tail of it. Can someone explain please.


Furious Unicorn: No she isn't making it up. These two and many other such incidents happened in front of me and I can vouch for their authenticity. Some predictions connected to me ( which seemed highly improbable) happened in the next week or two. I know that the proof of the pudding is in eating. But I want to understand the process, i.e. how this happens.



    The acquisition of information about, or response to, an external event, object or influence (mental or physical; past, present or future) otherwise than through any of the known sensory channels; used by J. B. Rhine to embrace such phenomena as telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition;" (link below)

    "ESP: Extra-sensory perception; a general term for obtaining information about events beyond the reach of the normal senses. This term subsumes telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and presentiment" (link below)


  • Furious Unicorn is the most hardcore skeptic on yahoo answers, and has been for I don't know how long, just trolling around the parapsychology section every day telling everyone that they have mental problems. I know what I saw, I'd have to be crazy to deny my own eyes.

    I have seen life energy through closed eyes and walls, and then confirmed that what I was seeing correlated to a high degree of precision to the real world. I have dreamed of events that happened later, and more often of people I met later. I think for a moment I may have understood bird language, because a bird was chirping, and I heard "not that one, not that one" as I picked an orange. That orange had several bugs lodged inside it (not that anyone could have guessed without peeling it).

    I have never, however, been able to sense money, or personal details about someone's life. That would be completely unbelievable, except I was as skeptical as our Furious Unicorn, our resident mythical bovine skeptic, before my first few experiences with ESP. So I don't know. Maybe this person, were they born a long time ago in a galaxy far away, would be taken in to be trained as a Jedi.

    My question is what does this ***** do with her power? Sit around already knowing the trivial ups and downs in the lives of each of the members of her extended family so she can avoid ever talking to them?

    Or does she make the world a better place? Talk to her about that. If she can honestly use her mind to this capacity, talk to her about the fact that with great power comes great responsibility- in this context, a responsibility to use this to benefit all life on the planet to the best of your ability.

  • I have ESP. I can predict events before they happen with frightening accuracy. I see things before they happen, long before. I am a human lie detector, I can look at a person on the outside and understand how they will react when I change the environment around them. I can "see" exactly what people are thinking about whether they do or do not speak. I can see through the eyes of a person into their head. I can control people in both simple and complex ways. I have never failed, never been wrong. To me, ESP is a term used to describe these things for lack of a better understanding. To me, ESP is a curse. It takes all the fun out of life, all the unpredictability. My only joy comes from my continued study of my power over the human psyche. My life has web spent conducting silent social experiments, and I have come to grasp humanity and consciousness in such a way that I believe I have decoded every facet of life. These things I am attempting to explain are much too complex for this simple dialect, and are not to be confused with conceit.

  • We completely impressive human beings, who're plenty smarter and cooler than human beings BTW, began the rumor which you will get ESP from a lavatory seat at some point as quickly as we've been bored. this is not any longer quite genuine. There must be direct PSI to universe touch. you will desire to purchase and study extremely some skeptic books 'reason we would desire to surrender the unfold of ESP formerly this is too previous due. we are watching an outbreak human beings! If reliable, good, commonplace voters have become ESP it ought to ensue to every person. Do your section to surrender the unfold of ESP! key words; (e book revenues, ESP, twist of fate bias, million money, wealthy scientist impersonators, lavatory seat).

  • ESP Extra-sensory-perception is a collective term for various hypothetical mental abilities. These abilities along with other paranormal phenomena are also referred to as psi.

    Here are some major types of ESP....

    TELEPATHY....the ability to read another person's thoughts.

    CLAIRVOYANCE...the ability to SEE events or objects happening somewhere else.

    PRECOGNITION... the ability to see the future.

    RETRO-COGNITION....the ability to see into the distant past.

    MEDIUM-SHIP.... the ability to channel dead spirits.

    PSYCHOMETRIC....the ability to read information about a person or place by touching a physical object.

    A closely related psi phenomenon, not technically part of ESP, is telekinesis, the ability to alter the physical world with mind power alone.

  • Yeah it is pretty easy to explain, this person is making stuff up or at least grossly exaggerating. Don't rely on stories she tells you, ask her to predict some things that are going to happen in the future and see how well she does then.

    Auras are fake too.

  • it is possible by aagya chakra.if it is active persion see present past and fuchur.it active by meditation.

  • There is no such ability; she's a liar.

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