Why is Obama a no adjective person .?

Hillary used"Not one Adjective was used to describe Obama". Why. Is it a signal to all of er supporters? I will not vote for Obama. I will write in Hillary Clinton.


Heavenly apprentice: Obama just may not be an American. His birth certificate is a fraud. He has nothing new that the communist haven't advocated for years. Socialized medicine, Depleteing capitol investors etc.


  • Hillary Clinton was amazing last night. Her speech was eloquent and it really made me realize how the Democrats missed their boat. What a glaring difference between Hillary's speech and Obama's and Michelle's. I don't blame you for writing in Hillary. It really irks me that Obama was selected, not elected. The nomination was stolen from Hillary.

  • I noticed that, too. The speech was much more about Hillary than about anything else, but that was to be expected. After all, this could be her swan song if Obama wins. I think she truly has mixed emotions: She wants a dem in the White House, but she knows if Obama wins, she won't make it 8 more years for another shot.

    As for GEMINI: If the past two elections are any barometer, almost half the ballots cast this year will be in vain. Should everyone who is voting differently than you just stay home rather than waste their time?

  • Because it isn't about Obama. Or about Clinton, or McCain. It isn't about their personalities.

    It is about the policies and ideas for the future.

    Hillary and Obama agree on the policies and ideas. If you watched her speech, you heard her describe why we should elect Obama. Even if he as a person rubs you in the wrong way, his policies invest in "green collar jobs" tying the solutions for the economy and energy crises together to create millions of jobs while getting off addiction to oil.

    It's about healthcare for the ailing.

    It's about education for children.

    It's about improving our standing in the world.

    If you believed in Hillary's policies, then you believe in Obama's policies, because they are mostly identical besides for nitpicking.

    Writing in Hillary will only be a vote for McCain, and as Hillary made clear, a vote for McCain is a vote AGAINST what HILLARY HAS FOUGHT FOR HER ENTIRE CAREER.

    Stop making it about the personality, stop making it about bitterness or anger or this stupid political game. It's literally about not only real solutions to the problems today, but the future and the legacy of the country and the next generation.

  • not a signal at all just that she is doing what is best for the party she thinks i feel that she would have served the party better by doing like Liberman and going Republican running from that side since she and McCain have similiar views on things she could have won the presidency

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