Am I lactose intolerant? It makes no sense!?

I rarely (I mean like, never) drink milk on its own. So, at 5am this morning I had horrific heartburn and so decided to drink some milk (Milk is basic so will balance pH). I drank 1 and a half glasses of it (so 375 ml). At 6:30 I started feeling really bloated and sick (nausea) and my lower abdomen was extremely painful so I ignored it. The pain went but I remained bloated until 7:45 when the pain (now excruciating) returned. I went to the bathroom with painful diarrhoea, and afterwards a cleanup operation fit for HAZMAT intervention.

But I drink hot chocolate a lot (Cocoa powder and hot milk) and I never feel this way!? When milk is heated and cocoa is mixed in is the lactose removed (Or whatever)???

Does this mean I'm lactose intolerant?

Thanks in advance.


Sorry I didn't mean HAZMAT I meant EMT intervention. HAZMAT would be the substance, EMT would be the cleanup operators. My bad. Lol.


  • Watch your symptoms, you may have appendicytis

  • The heartburn probably was tied in with the stomach ache, it was probably something you ate without the milk. If you are desperate to figure out what's happening drink some more milk, if you're fine then you're not LI. If you get sick again than the milk is gone off or you're most likely LI. Oh, you did check the expirary date right?

  • Yes, it sounds like it. Either that, or the milk was going sour.

    If you get gas when you eat cheese or ice cream... etc, that is lactose intolerant.

    Some people get coughing spells from eating ice cream, etc.

    These are other types of lactose intolerance.

  • Milk has a pH level of 6, which is acidic

  • Hot chocolate is nice, maybe just cut down?

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