Do you believe Karma is real?

Because last i remembered she felt really fake when i was stuffing the dollars in her g-string.


  • Karma is just her stage name silly.

  • "something dumb like falling by the wayside of school." I plan to no longer bypass to college Momo and that i evaluate myself rather intelligent however no longer consistently formidable' "properly in the previous week his mom have been given beat up by skill of a crack head and the lady totaled her motor vehicle." ???? Your an evil Liar ... additionally on your question solutions "What do you think of of babies conceived via rape?" Your reaction > they are creepy. Like same twins. your an eviiiiiil Liar.. And no you do no longer genuinely sense so good you sense like **** and you probable deserved it... Your additionally Jewish you assert.. Like maximum Jews fairly women people you're probable vested in your self and funds... additionally i think you have a Taurus on your sunlight , moon or according to probability mercury you're a LIAR.... you have reaped what you have sown... choose to appreciate how ... look interior the mirror... additionally you chosen those silly boyfriends.... Your in emotional soreness and turmoil yet an excellent area of the blame could be positioned on you besides mght

  • i shot a bird in the back of the head with a bb-gun. that was almost ten years ago, and i'm still here.

    life is completely unfair, and believing bad stuff is gonna happen to bad people does not help at all.

  • Karma noodle is real. it is a type of noodle one can buy at the gas station.

    karma noodle is real. it tastes real good. karma noodle is real good noodle.

  • What does Karma mean? If it means that you will reap what you sow, then yes, I believe. Jesus spoke of this, and I've experienced it in my own life.

  • No, it's a placebo effect in that it only works for people who believe it does.

  • About as real as Chastity, ha ha!

    Same Doctor did her work for her.

  • No, not in my opinion. I pitty the fool who believes it is

  • If it is I'm screwed.

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