Septic System backup whose responsibility?

My 90 year old grandmother lives in a trailer park in northern California. She owns her trailer and pays rent on your trailer space. Within the last year her septic system has backed up into her yard and her shower/tub at least five times. When she called to report it to the park manager he informed her that, this was not his responsibility to take care of it. She needed to call a septic team to come and fix this issue. The problem is not on her end! She uses ONLY septic safe toilet tissue, and only uses three squares at the max, she uses septic safe bathroom wipes and doesn't flush those, she is not permitted to use her garbage disposal and she doesn't. My father, brother, and his friend spent several hours cleaning the septic lines pulling out tree roots that have grown into the clay spetic lines. I am asking if this is the parks responsibility? These trees belong to the park and so does the septic system. Are the people who live in this park responsible to take care of these septic lines (such as my grandmother) or does the manager/landlord have to take care of this. I believe this is a major health violation and my grandmother needs to know her legal rights. I love my grandmother very much and it makes me mad that she has to put up with this stress since its not good for her heart.


Oh also there is 3 other people in the park that is having the same complication the two neighbors next to her and one on the other side of the park


  • It is her responsibility.

    I use Rid-x once a month.

    Without it, I would have to pay someone each year to come clean it out.

    Ever heard of it? Available at walmart, by the diswashing detergents.

    Can't imagine anyone not using this.

    Also, all tissues can be put in a garbage can and taken out with garbage

    (yucky, but it can save on ridx).

    All toilet papers are septic tank safe.

  • Your assorted comments about the care GrandMa takes with the septic system mean NOTHING. GrandMa needs to read her lease contract. (hopefully she has a contract) Any such contract should clearly state who is responsible for septic system maintenance. If there is no contract, this one could end up in the courts.

    My guess is that the courts would find in GrandMa's favor, if there is no contract, or if the contract does not address septic system maintenance.

  • It should be the park owners responsibility to correct the issue if it is in the sewer line. If this is an ongoing problem she could call the dept of health and safety and file a complaint. This could backfire and cause the owner to request her to leave and move the mobile home which would be very expensive. I would check with other tenants in the park to see if they have problems also and would be willing to jointly file the complaint as there is safety in numbers. Good Luck

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