BOYS: true or false?

is it true if you guys have been hurt in your past relationship you get scared to be commited to someone else again?


  • Hey out there...

    Im no guy but can relate to your question....

    It will take so much of love,proving and trust for guy who was once hurt. And again it depends if that particular guy did not jump to be in a relationship so fast....

    So regarding your question... Yes it's true"'

  • Well it is for me, but it wasnt because of the girl, but being in the military i move around so much, so any commited relationships dont work too well. So im not trying anything serious until after im out of the military.

  • Depends on the guy.

  • false


    not "1"

    why do u think all the men same...?

  • thats is..sort of correct.they get **** scared of being rejected and they don't want to get to close to some one coz there scared of being hurt again

  • what makes you think all guys are the same? we're not, don't be ignorant....not all of us turn into morons who dwell on the past.

  • No....false in most cases...

  • yep...and if you ask a gal the betting she will say the same thing....

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