Do I have a mental problem?
I have this weird history of telling lies and thinking weird thoughts. It all started when my dad was really sick. When I was in bed one night I thought that he should die so I could have a new dad. In grade 5 I lied about a guy trying to make me get in his truck! I lied about not being able to see or hear well and the doctors never found anything wrong with my hearing or sight, I went to get my sight checked 3 times and my hearing checked 4 times! Now sometimes I think that my mom should get cancer again so everyone will feel bad for me! Its getting bad.. I recently started thinking that I should make my guinea pig die so everyone will feel bad for me! I don't understand why I do this, I think of these stupid things and I try to stop but I can't! I am a good person but I just want to know if I have some type of mental disorder thats making me do this!
You really need to talk to a phycologist about this, it could get serious and seems to already have. They can tell you if you have a specified disorder and how to treat it. Good luck.
Seeking help for this is your best option, even if you really don't have a mental health problem, everyone needs someone to talk and be honest with. A professional can really help you figure out what the root of your problem is, even if it's simply an attention seeking thing. People tend not to take attention seekers seriously and blow them off, but there's a usually a reason for this need for attention. Take the first step and seek professional help, There are different forms of lying, compulsive, pathological, etc.. There is a reason you feel the need to lie and seek attention so it's best to get assistance in figuring out why, that's the only way you can really get better at telling the truth and not feeling the need for so much attention. Best of luck to you.
You don't have a mental disorder you are just an attention seeker and it seems that you will do anything to get it. That's not to say you are a bad person just very needy.
think before you speak as to whether it's real or not. practice saying only true things until it becomes a habit.